Agenda item

Half yearly reports of Portfolio Holders

Councillors D. Baldwin (Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion) and Boyle (Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure) will present a verbal half yearly report on the Scrutiny Committee work programme.




Councillor D Baldwin presented the following progress on priorities within the Housing and Social Inclusion Portfolio:-


·               On target to achieve 120 affordable homes, either through new build schemes, property acquisitions or partnerships with the private sector.


·               Quarter 2 figures show 224 households in temporary accommodation. The target of 220 households in temporary accommodation should therefore be met by the end of March 2008.


·               The new tenants and leaseholds committee (TALC) has been elected and formally constituted.  They are now starting work and undergoing training to increase their capacity and obtain new skills.


·               Tenant census has achieved over 65% returns following three separate mailings. Data has been loaded onto the housing management system and the data is being used to tailor services to individual needs.


·               The Decent Homes and Exeter Standard programmes are continuing on target to make major improvements to the housing stock.  New systems have been put in place to closely monitor the programme and ensure annual targets are achieved.


·               Neighbourhood inspections have now reached the end of the first year.  Many areas have shown considerable improvement. As a result some areas will have less frequent inspections to allow new areas to be brought on board.


·               The mock housing inspection of landlord services was undertaken during the first week of October.  The recommendations made by the inspectors are now being reviewed and prioritised to help service improvement plans for the next 3-4 years.


·               Void turnaround times remain at around 23 days and whilst this is still a good level of performance, it has proved difficult to improve on this.  This is mainly due to the success of the downsizing scheme which has resulted in a higher number of family properties than expected becoming vacant, many of which require considerable work to bring them up to standard.


·               The appraisal of incentive schemes is not due to start until the fourth quarter of the year.  It is hoped that a first report will be submitted in September 2008.


·               HMO Licensing - The mandatory licensing of high risk houses in multiple occupation (HMOS) has made good progress with 800 properties currently licensed and approximately 25 being processed. This number represents 98% of the estimated 840 mandatory licensable HMOS in Exeter.


Councillor Boyle presented the following progress with priorities within the Environment and Leisure Portfolio:-

·               Recycling - rates continue to be high, with improvements in the amount of material being recycled rather than land-filled. Initiatives such as street sweeping, recycling and the pilot trade waste recycling scheme have assisted. The amount of recycled material collected should achieve the 35% target by year end.


·               Trade Waste Recycling - this pilot scheme was successfully introduced in October 2007 to over 500 trade customers and initial results show a good level of recyclates being collected (18 tonnes of cardboard and paper for recycling after the first 17 days).


·               Smokers - a comprehensive scheme of visiting and issuing information packs to businesses in the City helped ensure a smooth introduction of the smoking ban. There had been very good compliance with a low number of complaints being reported. Twelve dedicated smoker bins had been installed in the City Centre, Heavitree and Whipton shopping areas to help reduce the impact of smoking related litter.


·               New toilets - the new Matford Park and Ride Toilets were opened in November 2007 complete with an innovative rain-water harvesting system. The Honiton Park and Ride toilets are due to commence construction in the New Year.


·               Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 - the provisions of the Act have been successfully implemented. The number of fixed penalty notices issued for littering and dog related offences is approximately 500 this year, together with 30 successful prosecutions. As well as the litter enforcement officers and environmental protection assistants carrying out patrols, fixed penalty notices are also being issued by the community patrollers. The alarm notification area has been introduced with approximately 600 of the estimated 1,000 dwellings with alarms having registered with the Council.


·               Air Quality Action Plan - the air quality action plan has been drafted and will be subject to consultation in the New Year.


·               Unregulated Street Trading - the status of streets within the City has been reviewed and new designations drawn up to give tighter control of street trading. In relation to sham pedlars, a more robust approach has been adopted in association with the Police and this has seen a significant drop in the number of sham pedlars in the High Street. This approach, together with tighter controls has, for the time being, reduced the need for a Local Act of Parliament.


·               Application to Heritage Lottery Fund to renovate Rougemont and Northernhay Gardens - the application was withdrawn because the scheme criteria changed.  Money that would have been spent developing the bid is to be used on improving these parks.


·               Equal Opportunities Programme to improve access at Council sites - a number of projects, particularly relating to allotments, have been started with the remainder to come on stream.  Money will be spent by the year end.


·               Refurbish Hamlin Lane and King George V changing rooms to improve facilities for users - King George V changing rooms upper storey are fully refurbished. Hamlin Lane changing rooms are to be refurbished in the summer closed season.


·               New pool - agreement achieved to site, scope and budget.


·               Temporary ice rink - this was much improved over last year. More than 26,000 used the rink compared with 29,000 over a longer period in 2006.


·               Open the Ark - there has been a successful handover of the building with snagging under way.


·               Major programme of museum events - A Sense of Place is now functioning and the website goes public shortly. The library gallery is occupied for fitting out. The temporary exhibitions programme is planned.


·               Valley Parks education and interpretation - 17 events were held from April to October together with 6 talks, 11 conservation days, plus a 5 day conservation holiday. 1,589 people have been involved in total so far this year.


·               Free Play City programme - rangers have been appointed and a winter programme of regular park sessions set up and flagged on the website. A number of special events have been held, including Halloween.


·               Reincorporation of the former Orchard Adventure Playground into the Valley Park - buildings and fences have been removed with basic landscaping to be completed by March. Community consultation on seats etc. is to start in the New Year.


·               Investing in Volunteers - RAMM had received an award for the work of volunteers, the first in the City and one of only five nationwide to museums.


The following responses were given to Members’ questions:-


·        glass and bottle collection from pubs is treated as trade waste and owners required to meet the costs;

·        the German Market had proved beneficial to the existing street traders in Castle Street and it had attracted the public to the Ice Rink. No complaints had been received in respect of the mulled wine bar which had operated in a professional manner. A Member remarked that two of the three traders had reported that trade had remained at a status quo position during this period with the third advising that trade had been down 10% due to inclement weather; and

·        210 tonnes of recycling waste had been collected during the week after Christmas compared with 180 tonnes for an average week, indicating that the encouragement given to increasing public commitment to re-cycling had been a success.


The reports of the Portfolio Holders were noted.