Agenda item

Presentation - Project Delivery Governance

The Chief Executive and Growth Director to provide a general update (with particular focus on the Project Delivery Governance).



Justin Pickford made a presentation which detailed proposals for the future project delivery for the Leisure Complex and Bus Station project through a number of work stream projects within the programme.  He sought Members’ approval for the establishment of five Project Working Groups to facilitate a more targeted approach to better address the changing activity through the project lifecycle. The Project Working Groups would offer a more focused environment for the project’s delivery and progress vital elements of the project.  The established governance of the Steering Group and the Programme Board would continue and all pertinent matters and decisions would continue to be presented to Members of the Programme Board.


Justin Pickford referred to his role as Programme Manager and identified the Project Managers who would oversee five specific Project Working Groups to pursue the various work streams which were detailed as follows:-


·         Leisure Centre Build;

·         Bus Station Build  (to include Bus Station leases and Long Distance coaches);

·         Remaining Site; 

·         Interim Bus Station Arrangements; and 

·         Leisure Operator Procurement


The presentation to Members included the governance arrangements and terms of reference for the Project Working Groups as well as details of the attendees.  Each would include a core membership of Project Manager, Client Lead, and Programme Manager and invited Members with additional attendees including specialist consultants as required.  It was the intention to draw on expertise from within Exeter City Council including officers from Estates; Communications, Legal, Procurement, Finance, City Development and Human Resources.


A Member expressed her disquiet about the lack of Conservative Members included and a potential lack of scrutiny.  The Chair explained that the individual Project Managers would have specifically defined authority and he emphasised that this would not change the overarching role of the Programme Board. If there was a need to step outside of the authorisation parameters, a meeting of the Programme Board would be called to enable Members to be consulted.  This would not change his role as Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, Communities & Sport, or that of the Leader and their respective responsibilities for the St Sidwells Point and Bus Station projects.  The individual Project Working Groups would enable the increasingly heavy workload to be more appropriately shared, and create a much needed opportunity to allow more in depth and targeted discussion. He also referred to the positive current lead being taken on the project and the desire for it to continue in that way.  It was confirmed that the Members invited to the Project Working Groups would be a sounding board for the Project Manager, they would not be making any decisions or granting any approvals.


Each of the Project Managers presented the scope of their work under the authorisation levels identified, the detail of which would be included in the presentation to be attached to the minutes.


The Project Manager Leisure Operator Procurement responded to a Member’s comment on the anticipated energy cost savings created by the passivhaus standard.  Leisure operators would need to take the necessary steps to satisfy themselves in relation to passivhaus and efficiency and performance. He stated that the tender document would include the detail of operation and likely energy consumption of the build. It was envisaged that a review would be made of energy efficiency after the first two years, with provision for an extension to extract the energy performance data in Year 3.  The Project Manager Build also responded to the Member‘s comment on identifying suitable contractors and referred to the previous meeting when he advised that a number of contractors had been approached.  The Project Manager Leisure Operator Procurement added that he had also carried out a soft market testing exercise with a number of leading leisure operators, who had shown genuine interest and communicated their intent to participate in the tender process. The process would ensure that the future operators would be able to embrace the passivhaus element and ensure the level of technical support was available.  The Chair and a Member clarified that one of the most important factors was for the contractors to pay close attention to detail to gain the maximum efficiency. 


The Communications Officer provided a brief update and stated that the Communications team would continue to update Exeter City Council’s web site and liaise with Stagecoach over their future operations from the Bus Station and the extent of the interim on street bus arrangements. He anticipated carrying out increased publicity in the period from the end of March until the end of May 2018 to ensure that the changes were communicated to the public.  This would include hard copy leaflets, social media, and information in the local press and the City Council’s magazine The Citizen.  He responded to a Member’s suggestion and confirmed the inclusion of information available at travel centres such as St David’s Station.


RESOLVED that the Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board approved the following:-


(1)     the authorisation of the respective Project Managers to progress with their projects, as per the Authorisation Levels set in the presentation made at the meeting; and


(2)     that the Leisure Centre and Bus Station Complex Steering Group and Leisure Complex and Bus Station Programme Board continue to meet as and when required to suit the needs and demands of the projects within the programme.


A Member abstained from the voting.



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