Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Public

To receive questions from the public in accordance with the Constitution, which relate to an item on the Agenda. Questions, of no longer than 50 words, should be notified to the Corporate Manager Democratic and Civic Support at least three working days prior to the meeting. Further information about speaking at a committee can be found here: Speaking at a Committee



Six questions were received from members of the public, which related to Minute 13, with five members of the public in attendance.


Question received from Aimee Beckett



The plan on page four of the Clifton Hill Opportunity Paper shows a road that comes to an abrupt halt with no turning circle. Can you confirm there is no intention to extend the road beyond the area currently proposed?



The Council Leader explained that the plan in the report was an indicative notional layout of the site and that the exact layout of the housing and roads was yet to be developed, and would be done during the design stage.  


There was no intention to develop roads beyond the redline boundary shown on the plan contained within the report. It was intended that access routes were maintained and the existing access road outside the redline boundary serving the Golf Driving Range and Ski Slope would connect to a road in the new development.


Supplementary Question

No supplementary question was asked.




Question received from Ginny Russell



The open area of green space between the sports centre and access road to the ski centre / golf range is mowed at regular intervals. To encourage existing wild flowers, will Exeter City Council stop mowing the whole area and leave most uncut, with only one or two paths of mown grass between wild areas?



The Council Leader stated that the Council was keen to see this area enhanced for wildlife and biodiversity by reducing mowing and increased planting of wild flowers. The local community would be engaged with, about what they would like to see for this piece of open green open space and to develop a more biodiversity focused management plan. The Council had every intention to consult with the local community.


Supplementary Question

Was biodiversity on the agenda for this Council in terms of managing urban spaces in Exeter?


Supplementary Response

The Council Leader provided assurance that biodiversity was key factor and that the Council was fully committed for Exeter to be carbon neutral by 2030 and important work was being undertaken. The Council was working with its partners to tackle the constraints faced by the Council to address the climate crisis and would continue to engage with communities.




Question received from Emily McIvor



The land at Clifton Hill currently used as a golf range could be enhanced to promote biodiversity, create a haven for wildlife and provide an amenity for Newtown and Exeter. What is being done to ensure this publicly owned open space can be enjoyed by the community at the earliest opportunity?



The Council Leader explained that the Golf Driving Range was operated under a contract and lease arrangement and that the City Council would review potential future uses of the land when that arrangement was closer to coming to an end. The interests of the existing contractor/ tenant would need to be given due consideration as part of that process together with other alternatives uses, including public access.


Supplementary Question

The proposed development goes outside of the existing building footprint and should this happen, the community would get back golf driving range as it is the largest area of open space and needed to be kept.


Supplementary Response

The Council Leader stated that the Council was committed to saving the green open space. With regard to the driving range there was a contract and lease in place and the Council would review what was to happen when those came to an end at the proper time. However there were no intention by the Council to build on the land.




Question received from Moragh Mason



The area of development outlined on page 3 of the Clifton Hill Opportunity Paper shows the trees behind the sports hall; will you confirm these trees will not be felled and that the brambles surrounding them, front and back, will be retained as these provide invaluable nesting areas for birds?



The Council Leader confirmed that it was not the intention to fell the trees located between the sports centre and open space behind (the line of trees located along the edge of the redline boundary). Exeter City Living had already consulted with ecology experts on the scheme and were looking to manage ecology on site in a proactive and positive manner.


Supplementary Question

Will the brambles be left over for birds nesting? If they are removed it would take several years to grow back.


Supplementary Response

The Council Leader stated that Exeter City Living had consulted with experts and were looking to manage site in a responsible way. The Council would have control on the site and were committed to biodiversity and would not be removing anything unnecessarily.




Question received fromDr E Westland



Can you confirm that the whole of the Clifton Hill site beyond the red lines on the photograph of the Development Area (Clifton Hill Opportunity Paper, para 2.0) will be kept in public ownership for the foreseeable future?



The Council Leader explained that the land beyond the red lines had not been identified for disposal and would remain in Exeter City Council ownership, with no plans to change anything else on the remaining site.


Supplementary Question

When you consult with the local community on the future use of the site will there be an option to provide the community a voice on its use?


Supplementary Response

The Council Leader explained that the Council actively enraged with communities within the city, and would do so for the green space behind the former leisure centre.




Question received from Raymond Edwards (Not in attendance)



Could the Council reassure members and users of the green space, golf range and ski slope that access, parking and utilities/services will be fully maintained throughout the development period?



The Council Leader stated that it was the intention for access to the green space, golf range and ski slope to be maintained during the development period, as would the provision of utilities and services, which would be subject to potential minor disruption. The parking outside of the redline boundary should be unaffected by the development, however any parking currently located within the redline boundary plan contained within the report would not be maintained.



