Council notes:
The interest shown by developers
to bring forward planning
applications for co-living developments in Exeter;
Currently Co-living is not defined in the National Planning
Framework or Exeter Planning Policy; and
Planning authorities in London and Manchester have
sought to develop
planning policies to set out the requirements for Co-living so
planning decisions may be clearly determined.
Council resolves:
To develop planning policy to set out the
requirements for Co-living
either by amending existing local supplementary planning policy or
by developing new supplementary planning policy.
To set up a cross party working group of Members
to consider the
matter and inform the drafting of planning guidance for
consideration by this Council; and
To progress this matter the working group is
requested to prepare a
report for presentation to Council in April 2021.
Councillor D. Moore, seconded by Councillor M. Mitchell, moved a Notice of Motion in the following terms:-
Council notes:
interest shown by developers to bring forward planning
applications for co-living developments in
Currently Co-living is not defined in the National
Planning Policy
Framework or Exeter Planning Policy; and
authorities in London and Manchester have sought to develop
planning policies to set out the requirements for Co-living so
planning decisions may be clearly determined.
Council resolves:
To develop
planning policy to set out the requirements for Co-living
either by amending existing local supplementary planning policy or
by developing new supplementary planning policy.
To set up
a cross party working group of Members to consider the
matter and inform the drafting of planning guidance for
consideration by this Council; and
progress this matter the working group is requested to prepare
report for presentation to Council in April 2021.
In presenting her Motion, Councillor D. Moore made the following points:-
· invite Members to support this uncontentious proposal to develop local planning policy on co-living as there is no national planning policy framework;
· such a policy will provide a framework for determining planning applications and will provide guidance for local developers, clarity for communities and can be referenced in the emerging revised community infrastructure levy policy. It will also help to delineate between purpose built student accommodation and co- living;
· local authorities in London and Manchester are bringing forward local policies on co-living in their Local Plan; and
· the practical approaches suggested are to develop the policy by amending Supplementary Planning Policy (SPD) or create new supplementary guidance drawing on aspects of already adopted policy that include relevant features of co-living.
Councillor Morse, the Portfolio Holder for City Management, made the following points:-
· Co-living housing represented a new, emerging housing sector in the UK and developers were showing a growing interest in bringing forward co-living housing in Exeter. Co-living housing was not currently defined in either national or local planning policy;
· work on a new Local Plan for Exeter had commenced and a report setting out the scope and timetable for the Plan would be brought to Executive and Council early in 2021;
· a formal co-living policy would need to come forward through the Local Plan, subject to the outcomes of the Government’s recent Planning White Paper. The Local Plan would be subject to statutory public consultation and Member involvement at all stages. Member Governance arrangements were still to be determined, but could involve working groups focussing on specific issues such as co-living housing. As it progressed through statutory stages, the Local Plan would gain increasing weight in the determination of planning applications; and
· it would not be possible to adopt a SPD on co-living housing until the Local Plan was in place, as SPD’s could only amplify adopted policy.
She stated that her Group would not support the preparation of interim planning guidance on co-living housing as it would carry very limited weight in the determination of planning applications as, unlike a Local Plan and SPD, it would not be subject to public consultation and/or Examination by the Planning Inspectorate. Its preparation would also divert resources away from preparing the Local Plan.
Councillor Leadbetter as Leader of the Opposition Group advised that his Group would not be supporting the Motion.
Councillor M. Mitchell, in seconding the Motion, made the following points:-
· support the Motion and the sentiments expressed by Councillor D. Moore as there is a need for cross party policy in regard to co-living;
· applications had already been received and further applications can be expected before a future Local Plan is agreed and there will also be implications arising from anticipated new planning legislation; and
· it would not be appropriate to continue on a case by case basis and clear planning standards are necessary for those who wish to live in co-living accommodation.
Councillor D. Moore in responding, stated the following:-
· it was disappointing there was not a consensus of looking to develop a policy; and
· it should be possible to develop planning policy now to provide a framework for future decisions by the Planning Committee. By 2024 a number of co-living development applications could be anticipated and, without a policy, it would be difficult for informed decisions to be made
The Notice of Motion was put to the vote and LOST.