Agenda item

Planning Application No. 20/1685/OUT - Land at Rennes Drive, University of Exeter, Exeter

To consider the report of the Liveable Exeter Programme Director and Interim City Development Lead.



The Principal Project Manager (Development) (PJ) presented the outline planning application to build a replacement Estates Services Centre and ancillary buildings and structures, with associated infrastructure and landscaping (All Matters Reserved).


The Principal Project Manager (Development) explained that an error had been made in the submission of the proposal by the applicant and that revised measurements had been provided. The height of the retaining wall was approximately four metres high rather than two metres and the proposed building was now approximately 35 metres by 14 metres with an overall height of 10metres, being double the measurements in the report.


The Principal Project Manager (Development) made the following points:-


·         the proposal was to relocate the Estate Service Centre onto this site which was being used for storage of green waste, spoil and equipment;

·         the site sloped and was bounded by a mature band of trees separating it from the reservoir, Belvidere Road with Belvidere Meadow Local Nature Reserve and woodland. A Community Garden with polytunnels and greenhouse also bounded the site with a public footpath forming part of the Green Circle next to the Garden;

·         the new building would contain workshops, staff facilities built to Passivhaus principles and horticultural elements;

·         the rear garden boundaries of the Hillcrest properties would be located approximately 50 metres from the eastern boundary of the site and the distance from the rear of the dwellings was approximately 100 metres;

·         access to the site would be within the campus from Rennes Drive to the south western corner of the site closest to the new decked Car Park B;

·         the new estate services centre would comprise offices, workshops, glasshouses, polytunnels, storage buildings and associated infrastructure;

·         with all matters reserved, illustrative material had been provided with details of the access location, layout, parking, circulation space and proposed buildings/structures;

·         access to the site would be created through the existing and widened entry point within the south western corner of the site and, given the sloping nature of the site, two main terraced areas were proposed;

·         42 objections had been received; and

·         the University had stated that the Service Centre was an essential “in house” facility to meet ground and landscape maintenance requirements.


Responding to a Member’s query, the Principal Project Manager Development confirmed that bonfires on site would not be allowed as the site was controlled by environmental health legislation.


In response to a Member, the Chair confirmed that the application was in outline only, that the amended size of the structure was not binding with the application to be determined at reserved matters stage.


Mr Speyer spoke against the application. He raised the following points:-


·         the measurements are incorrect;

·         the proposed site has a strong rural feel and is recognised within the Exeter Local Plan which designates the area as a Landscape Setting (LS1) and open countryside;

·         the application is for an industrial installation to include two workshops including vehicle maintenance, a works yard, vehicle cleaning and an extensive vehicle park to be carved out of the hillside;

·         a Class B2 site is unsuitable for a LS1 site;

·         the site is within 50 metres of the quiet residential cul-de-sac of Hillcrest Park;

·         the noise assessment was undertaken during the construction of East Park, resulting in a very high baseline noise rating and this level will be replicated with this development. Residents of Hillcrest Park can therefore expect permanent noise levels;

·         the University banned many activities on the East Park site but these will be undertaken on this site from 7.00 am to 6.00 pm;

·         light pollution already occurring from Car Park B will also emanate from this site; and

·         the Local Plan was put in place to safeguard protected sites for all the people of Exeter. The University is seeking to develop this site for its own benefit, regardless of the damage this development will cause and the application should be rejected.

Mr McCann spoke in support of the application. He raised the following points:-


·         the existing Estates Services Compound no longer meets the operational needs of the Grounds team, the proposed compound to rationalise the two spaces occupied by the team and provide a safer working environment;

·         the proposed site is on the University campus and is used to store green waste and compost;

·         the site is well screened with mature trees to most boundaries and there will be additional tree planting and landscaping

·         neighbour concerns stem from issues arising from lighting at the adjacent Car Park B development and these have been addressed. The proposed Compound lighting requirements are different to the Car Park B. Lighting is only needed during working hours and can all be turned off out of hours;

·         the proposed layout has been designed so the main building will shield the yard area from the main neighbouring boundary;

·         conditions will be added in respect of a maximum noise decibel limit, white noise reversing alarms instead of bleepers and no chipping or shredding of green/brown waste;

·         the existing Estates Services compound is significantly closer to neighbouring properties than the proposed building and no complaints over noise or lighting have been received. The existing buildings are approximately 20 metres from neighbouring properties, whereas the proposed buildings are over 100 metres from neighbours;

·         the main building will meet Passivhaus standards; and

·         in response to neighbours existing car park lighting has been reduced and conditions will control noise and lighting.


Councillor Pearce, having given notice under Standing Order No. 44, spoke on the item. He raised the following points:-


·         support representations of neighbours;

·         the number of objections would have been much greater if the true measurements had been provided from the start;

·         a noise impact assessment is a requirement given the proximity of the neighbouring properties;

·         the site is a significant asset for local residents and there will be a negative impact on the green circle;

·         the bat survey should have been carried out between April and August not October; and

·         there will be a negative impact on the link to Stoke Valley Road through to Taddyford and to the river which will be blocked by fencing and reduce migration of wildlife.


Councillor K. Mitchell, having given notice under Standing Order No. 44, spoke on the item. He raised the following points:-


·         supported the points made by Councillor Pearce and Mr Speyer; and

·         queried whether, given the increased size of the structure, planning  permission at reserved matters would be likely.


It was noted that the application with the revised measurements would be determined at the reserved matters stage.


Members made the following comments:-


·         development could set a precedent for the addition of similar semi-industrial uses on this site;

·         operational times and the noise associated with the site are concerns;

·         noise will result not just from University vehicles but servicing vehicles and impact adversely on neighbouring residents as well as spreading down the Hoopern Valley; and

·         concerns about impact on the landscape and nature conservation.


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the conditions as set out in the report.


The recommendation was moved, seconded and carried.


RESOLVED that outline planning application to build a replacement Estates Services Centre and ancillary buildings and structures, with associated infrastructure and landscaping (All Matters Reserved) be APPROVED, subject to the following conditions:-


1)         Approval of the details of the access, layout, scale, appearance of the buildings, the means of access thereto and the landscaping of the site (hereinafter called "the reserved matters") shall be obtained from the Local Planning Authority in writing before any development is commenced.

Reason: To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in respect of the reserved matters.


2)         Application for the approval of the reserved matters shall be made to the Local Planning Authority before the expiration of five years from the date of the permission and the development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five years from the date of the permission, or before the expiration of two years from the date of the approval of the last of the reserved matters to be approved whichever is the later.

Reason:  To ensure compliance with section 91 - 93 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


3)         The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in accordance with the Site Location Plan (dwg no. 019002 Rev P1) and Landscape and Biodiversity Parameter Plan (Figure 1, dated 8th February 2021) as modified by other conditions of this consent.

Reason: In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

4)         No development shall take place until an Outline Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority. The Management Plan shall indicate;

a) how the existing biodiversity of the site will be protected, in accordance with all relevant legislation;

b) how the proposed development and associated works will enhance wildlife in the area and

c) how the landscaped area is to be managed to include an ecological clerk of works and shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for review on a 24 month basis unless otherwise agreed in writing;

Reason: In the interests of nature conservation.


5).        No development shall take place until a Detailed Arboricultural Method Statement in association with the Tree Protection Plan for the demolition and construction phase of the development has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The final method statement shall incorporate a provisional programme of works; supervision and monitoring details by an Arboricultural Consultant shall proceed in accordance with the measures described in the Arboricultural Method Statement throughout the duration of the works.

Reason - To ensure the continued wellbeing of the trees in the interests of the amenity and environmental quality of the locality.


6)         No development (including ground works) or vegetation clearance works shall take place until a Construction Method Statement has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The Statement shall provide for:

a) The site access point(s) of all vehicles to the site during the construction phase.

b) The parking of vehicles of site operatives and visitors.

c) The areas for loading and unloading plant and materials.

d) Storage areas of plant and materials used in constructing the development.

e) The erection and maintenance of securing hoarding, if appropriate.

f) Wheel washing facilities.

g) Measures to monitor and control the emission of dust and dirt during construction.

h) No burning on site during construction or site preparation works.

i) Measures to monitor and minimise noise/vibration nuisance to neighbours from plant and machinery.

j) Construction working hours and deliveries from 8:00 to 18:00 Monday to Friday, 8:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays or Bank Holidays.

k) No driven piling without prior consent from the LPA.

The approved Statement shall be strictly adhered to throughout the construction period of the development.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


7)         No development shall take place until a Construction Traffic Management Plan has been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. The statement should include details of route of construction traffic vehicles, access arrangements, timings and management of arrivals and departures of vehicles. The approved Statement shall be adhered to throughout the construction period unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: In the interests of highway safety and public amenity.


8)         No development shall take place on site until a full investigation of the site has taken place to determine the extent of, and risk posed by, any contamination of the land and the results, together with any remedial works necessary, have been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The building(s) shall not be occupied until the approved remedial works have been implemented and a remediation statement submitted to the Local Planning Authority detailing what contamination has been found and how it has been dealt with together with confirmation that no unacceptable risks remain.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity


9)         No development shall take place on site until an investigation has taken place to determine the risk posed by unexploded ordinances and results, together with any further works necessary, have been agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved works shall be implemented in full and a completion report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for approval in writing prior to the commencement of development.

Reason: In the interests of public safety.


10)       No development related works shall take place within the site until a written scheme of archaeological work has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This scheme shall include on-site work, and off-site work such as the analysis, publication, and archiving of the results, together with a timetable for completion of each element. All works shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the approved scheme, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To ensure the appropriate identification, recording and publication of archaeological and historic remains affected by the development.


11)      Pre-commencement condition: Prior to the commencement of the development hereby permitted, a Waste Audit Statement shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. This statement shall include all information outlined in the waste audit template provided in Devon County Council's Waste Management and Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved statement.

Reason: To minimise the amount of waste produced and promote sustainable methods of waste management in accordance with Policy W4 of the Devon Waste Plan and the Waste Management and Infrastructure Supplementary Planning Document. These details are required pre-commencement as specified to ensure that building operations are carried out in a sustainable manner.


12)       The applicant shall undertake a noise impact assessment for this application, which shall be submitted and approved in writing prior to commencement of the development. This report shall consider the impact of noise from the development on local receptors and shall include noise from plant and equipment as well as noise from deliveries, communal areas, residents and events. If, following the above assessment, the LPA concludes that noise mitigation measures are required, the applicant shall then submit a scheme of works to ensure that the development does not have a significant negative impact on local amenity. These measures shall be agreed in writing by the LPA and shall be implemented prior to and throughout the occupation of the development.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


13)       The level of noise emitted from the site from operational activities should not exceed a rating noise level (measured in accordance with BS4142:2014) of 42 dB. The noise levels should be determined at the nearest noise sensitive premises. The measurements or assessment should be made at free field locations representing facades of the nearest noise sensitive premises, or via a combination of measurement and propagative calculation.

Reason : In the interests of residential amenity.


14)       Prior to the commencement of the development an assessment of the impact of all internal and external lighting associated with the development shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The assessment should address the impact of the lights (including hours of use) on the nearest receptors. Thereafter the lighting shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the specifications within the assessment.

Reason: In the interests of residential amenity.


15)       The use hereby permitted shall not be carried out outside the hours of 07.00 and 18.00 (excluding emergency activities, such as gritting estate roads and paths) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of nearby occupiers.


16)       No external lighting is to be used within the application site outside the hours specified in condition 14 unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of nearby occupiers.


17)       No chipping or shredding of green/brown waste is to take place within the application site unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of nearby occupiers.


18)       Only white noise reversing alarms shall be operated on vehicles operated or owned by the Applicant unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

Reason: To safeguard the residential amenity of nearby occupiers.


19)       No part of the development hereby approved shall be brought into its intended use until secure cycle parking facilities have been provided and maintained in accordance with details that shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority and retained for that purpose at all times

Reason: To ensure that adequate facilities are available for the traffic attracted to the site.


20)       The development shall be designed in accordance with Passivhaus Principles. Prior to occupation, or as soon as practicable after occupation, evidence of Passivhaus certification shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.

Reason: To ensure that the proposal is in accordance with the aims of Policy CP15 of Council's Adopted Core Strategy and in the interests of delivering sustainable development.


21)       This consent does not imply the approval of the details of access, siting, layout or design shown on the illustrative masterplan, which must be the subject of a further application for approval of reserved matters.

Reason:  To safeguard the rights of control by the Local Planning Authority in respect of the reserved matters.






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