Agenda item

Planning Application No. 15/0641/OUT - Aldens Farm West land between Shillingford and Chudleigh Road, Alphington.

To consider the report of the Liveable Exeter Programme Director and City Development Strategic Lead.





Councillor D. Moore declared a non-pecuniary interest and left the meeting during consideration of this item.


The Principal Project Manager and Acting Major Projects Team Leader presented the application for residential development including new access onto Shillingford Road and associated infrastructure (All matters reserved for future consideration).


The Principal Project Manager explained that it was necessary to amend two conditions listed in the original Planning Committee decision on this matter at the meeting held on 16 November 2020. At that meeting it had been resolved to approve subject to conditions and completion of a Section 106 Agreement. Following the approval, the applicants had raised concerns in respect of the proposed conditions 4 and 6 and had requested that they be amended. As they were highway related conditions the reasons provided by the County Highway officer together with the revised conditions were detailed in the report.


In light of the revised comments made by the County Highway officer and the legal opinion provided, revised conditions 4 and 6 were proposed. In addition, further contributions were required for inclusion within the Section 106 Agreement in respect of carrying out improvements to Markham Lane and pedestrian movements to the north of the site. These had been costed in the sums of £12,000 and £11,000 respectively to be payable on commencement of the development.

Juliet Meadowcroft spoke against the application. She raised the following points:-


·         the Alphington Village Forum objects to the development having only one access for 75 dwellings which exits on the narrow, steep Shillingford Road;

·         the developers will only extend the internal road to the eastern boundary and are not obliged to negotiate with the two landowners to create an access on to Chudleigh Road. This will exacerbate the problem of heavy traffic on this country road leading to Shillingford Abbot and Shillingford St George;

·         Vistry Homes also have an access from a much larger development comprising 280 dwellings with another 750 dwellings planned for on Markham Farm;

·         the obligations listed in the original Planning Committee report (16 November 2020);

·         £11,000 to Devon County Council as Local Highway Authority to complete pedestrian improvements to the north of the site;

·         and £12,000 to Devon County Council as Local Highway Authority to carry out improvements to Markham Lane.

·         Alphington Village is already seriously congested on a regular basis, yet the Highways officers state that this development is unlikely to result in a severe impact on the safe and efficient operation of the strategic road network;

·         the school and surgery are full and a new surgery is required;

·         the developer has ignored previous comments, including style and size of the houses overlooking Royal Crescent and Shillingford Road, which will block out the light and remove residents’ privacy; and

·         this development is only part of a development of 2,500 houses, half of which will be between the A379 and Alphington resulting in 1,000’s more cars.


Members recognised the need to regularise the legality of the conditions.


The recommendation was for approval, subject to the completion of a Section 106 Agreement securing:-


·         the obligations listed in the original Planning Committee report for the application (16 November 2020);

·         £11,000 to Devon County Council as Local Highway Authority to complete pedestrian improvements to the north of the site; and

·         £12,000 to Devon County Council as Local Highway Authority to carry out highway improvements to Markham Lane.


All Section 106 contributions should be index linked from the date of the resolution.


and the conditions listed in the original Planning Committee report for the application (16 November 2020) except conditions 4 and 6, which are amended to:-


4.         No part of the development shall be occupied until pedestrian/cycle links onto Shillingford Road and Markham Lane to existing highways have been completed with details that shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing by, the Local Planning Authority. No part of the development shall be occupied until a pedestrian/cycle link is constructed to the northern boundary of the application site at a point to be agreed with details that shall have been submitted to, and approved in writing  by, the Local Planning Authority.

            Reason: To ensure that a safe and suitable access to the site is provided for all users, in accordance with Paragraph 110 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) (2021).


6.         No more than 75 dwellings shall be occupied until a vehicular route from Shillingford Road to the eastern boundary of the site capable of accommodating two-way bus flow through the site have been provided to a specification agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority, in consultation with the Local Highway Authority.

Reason: To ensure the site is served by sustainable transport modes required to meet the agreed residential trip rates and to ensure that a safe and suitable access to the site is provided for all users, in accordance with Paragraph 110 of the NPPF (2021).


The recommendation was moved, seconded and carried unanimously.




Supporting documents: