Agenda item

Live and Move Strategy and Governance Proposal

To consider the report of the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism.





RECOMMENDED that Council approve:


(1)   the revised Governance Structure and Terms of Reference;

(2)   the updating of the Council’s constitution; and

(3)   that the Live and Move Strategy is noted with delegated powers granted to the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the report on the Exeter and Cranbrook Live and Move Programme, which was funded by Sport England to tackle physical and health inequalities. Following a review of the governance structure and strategy, approval was sought for the new governance structure, with the Council being responsible for key financial and strategic programme decision making, which would be updated in the Council’s constitution to reflect the changes.


Particular reference was made to:-


·        extensive engagement work with Sport England and other partners over the last 12 months to tackle inequalities around physical activity and health and well-being;

·        a focus on specific communities such as Wonford, Beacon Heath and Exwick as well as other identified locations across the city;

·        there was a two and half year agreement with Sport England to deliver the work and to find additional resources.


During the discussion the following points were made:-


·        the aims of the Live and Move Strategy supported the goals of sustainable transport;

·        the programme would help address the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity levels, health outcomes and widening inequalities. Residents in the poorest neighbourhoods were three times more likely to be inactive than the mainstream population. There had been a fall in activity levels and a decrease in general health and wellbeing for those on low incomes and from culturally diverse communities;

·        the programme would help meet the 2040 vision for every child to live in an inclusive, healthy, and sustainable city;

·        the programme would build on the Council’s 2021 decision to bring the Leisure Services under direct management, which was enabling leisure services to be opened to the widest possible audiences through new ways for collaborative working with Exeter Leisure and the chance to establish stronger connections with the Wellbeing Exeter programme;

·        the programme would also help address the potential impact of the cost-of-living crisis on physical activity levels; and

·        Inclusive Exeter had recently held a free badminton session for the BME community at the Wonford Leisure Centre.


Councillor D. Moore, as an opposition group leader, spoke on this item. She welcomed the commitment to engage further with communities and asked for reports on progress with the programme. Whilst recognising the importance of targeting specific areas of the city, Councillor D. Moore referred to the St. David’s ward as an area with high levels of deprivation which could also benefit from targeting. She sought assurance that there would be opportunities for the voluntary and community sectors to be able to fully engage in the governance process including the sounding board.


The Active and Healthy Programme Lead in responding, advised that the Sounding Board was not a decision-making body but a forum which offered the opportunity for residents to engage in the Live and Move Programme, which any resident was welcome to participate in. Existing voluntary and community organisations were involved in the programme and could direct residents to various activities and were helping in growing networks across the city.


RECOMMENDED that Council approve:


(1)   the revised Governance Structure and Terms of Reference;

(2)   the updating of the Council’s constitution; and

(3)   that the Live and Move Strategy is noted with delegated powers granted to the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holder.


Supporting documents: