Agenda item

Executive - 1 November 2022


The minutes of the Executive of 1 November 2022 were presented by the Leader, Councillor Bialyk, and taken as read.


In respect of Minute No. 111 (Revisions to Street Naming and Numbering Policy), the Leader moved and Councillor Wright seconded the recommendations and following a vote, the recommendations were carried unanimously. 


In respect of Minute No. 112 (The Devon Carbon Plan), Councillor D. Moore prior to moving amendments on the recommendations, sought the views of the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change on the following:-


·         the County Council goal within the Carbon Plan to achieve Net Zero by 2050 with a 50% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030;

·         what was the meaning of the words “reflecting on” in recommendation (2), particularly in respect of transport?; and

·         the absence in the Equality Impact Assessment of any evidence that religious organisations were reluctant to improve their buildings, as many were in the forefront of taking action in this respect.


The Portfolio Holder for Climate Change responded as follows:-


·         the Devon County Council target for Net Zero 2050 aligns with the national target. Whilst the County Council has challenges to deliver on the target because of the diverse nature of Devon communities, for Exeter, their buildings within the city are set to meet the 2030 Net Zero target;

·         transport was 22% of the city’s carbon emissions and was a key target and this issue was being progressed by the City Council’s Exeter Transport Working Group and through Member and officer discussions with their County Council colleagues; and

·         a separate written response would be provided in relation to the question on the Equality Impact Assessment.


Councillor D. Moore moved and Councillor K. Mitchell seconded the following amendments to the recommendations:- 


(1)  Recommendation (2) to read “reaffirm the commitment to the City of Exeter’s goal of a Net Zero Exeter 2030, given the Devon Carbon Plan target for Net Zero being 2050, in-line with Government’s goal for the country. Transport being one of the largest sources of carbon emissions for the City and County, the consequences of reductions to Net Zero by 2030 were profound and Members may wish to satisfy themselves that the 2050 goal provided a supportive policy context for the city of Exeter’s Net Zero plans. Accordingly, to open urgent and meaningful negotiations with the County Council on Transport and the 2050 target to develop a supportive policy context for the City of Exeter Net Zero plans”:

(2)  to replace the word biannual in recommendation (5) with the words “reports twice yearly”, and;

(3)  an additional recommendation to remove the reference to religious groups in the Equality Impact Assessment as there is no evidence to back up the statement that such groups are reluctant to improve their buildings.


During the discussion, the Leader stated that he was prepared to accept the proposal to negotiate with the County Council on transport but that the wording should be amended to read “ask for” rather than “open” meaningful discussions with the County Council. He also stated that the issue relating to the Equality Impact Assessment would be progressed with the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change as already indicated. As such, two of the three amendments, that is the changed wording to (1) above with the wording “ask for” instead of “open” and the new recommendation set out in (3) above were acceptable but that (2) was not.


Councillor D. Moore accepted the changed wording to (1) above and acknowledged the proposal on how to proceed with the new recommendation.


The amendment in respect of (2) above was voted upon on and LOST.


The recommendations, as amended by (1) and (3) above, became the substantive motion.


The Leader moved and Councillor Wright seconded the substantive motion and following a vote, the recommendations, as amended, were CARRIED unanimously. 


In respect of Minute No. 113 (Legal Obstacles to Port Marine Safety Code Compliance), and during the discussion the following points were made:-


·         the Canal, which had been in the ownership of the City Council for over 500 years, was a valuable asset for the city but which was somewhat overlooked by the general public. It was an important attraction to both residents and visitors alike offering a more carbon friendly, alternative means of transport than some other transport modes;

·         the proposal for a Harbour Revision Order was welcomed and would help preserve the Canal;

·         the Canal and Estuary were also assets to Topsham;

·         thanks were extended to the Harbour Master and his team for their work in carrying out the City Council’s Health and Safety and other responsibilities and for arranging Members’ fact finding tours of the River and Canal; and

·         the recent containment of oil and diesel spillage into the Canal from a 44-ton fishing boat underlined the importance of this service and for seeking the Harbour Revision Order which would give legal powers to instruct owners to remove unseaworthy vessels from Exeter’s waterways.


The Leader moved and Councillor Wardle seconded the recommendations and following a vote, the recommendations were carried unanimously. 


In respect of Minute No. 114 (Exeter Playing Pitch Strategy), the Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services and Physical Activity, in response to a Member’s question, advised that there were a number of funding options for progressing the Strategy, including approaching national funding bodies for grant support and the use of Community Infrastructure Funding (CIL) and Section 106 monies and that all avenues would be explored.


The Leader moved and Councillor Wright seconded the recommendation and following a vote, the recommendation was carried unanimously.


In respect of Minute No. 115 (Annual Scrutiny Report 2021-22), the Leader moved and Councillor Wright seconded the recommendation and following a vote, the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive held on 1 November 2022 be received and, where appropriate, adopted.



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