To consider the report of the Service Lead – Environmental Health & Community Safety.
The Legal Advisor introduced the proceedings and outlined the procedure for the meeting.
The Principal Licensing Officer advised the Licensing Committee that three late objections had been received in respect of the Application. The Applicant was asked to submit any objections to the Licensing Committee considering the late objections and those objectors addressing the Licensing Committee. The Applicant did not object and the Licensing Committee resolved unanimously to allow the late objections.
The Principal Licensing Officer presented the report, in respect of the application to licence a sexual entertainment venue at The Monkey Suit, 161 Sidwell Street, Exeter.
The objectors to the application in attendance addressed the Licensing Committee and answered questions from members and the Applicant.
The Applicant spoke in support of the application and answered questions submitted in respect of the Application.
RESOLVED that, the application for a sexual entertainment venue (‘SEV’) licence in respect of The Monkey Suit, was refused for the reasons set out in the Notice of Determination attached.
Supporting documents: