Agenda item

Planning Application No. 22/1548/FUL - Exeland House, Tudor Street, Exeter

To consider the report of the Director City Development.



The Service Lead - City Development presented the application for Renovation, conversion and change of use from retail unit and office to form a co-living scheme of thirty-four units including communal facilities and a co-working office space, front extension with four floors, link building, public plaza on the existing car park and renovation of existing bridge link to New Bridge Street.


He provided the following information:-


·       The application sought full planning permission for the change of use and extension of Exeland House to provide co-living accommodation;

·       The proposals would convert the existing Exeland House into sixteen residential rooms across three floors, retaining the building's exterior. New window openings would be formed internally between existing windows. Dormer windows were proposed to the rear roof slope;

·       A part three, part four storey extension was proposed to the front of Exeland House. This would be linked to the existing building via a new glazed atrium entrance. The extension would provide a further eighteen co-living rooms

·       The residential floors would be grouped into six clusters, each having a communal kitchen;

·       The extension would have a red brick facade and use traditional proportions. The top floor would be set back and finished in standing seam zinc cladding. The proposed extension aimed to respect the scale of adjacent buildings and provide a transition between Exeland House and the more contemporary Frog Street development;

·       The existing frontage would be re-landscaped to provide a new public plaza, residents' cycle parking and co-working office accommodation on the ground floor. Vehicular access would be maintained via Hick's Court at the rear.


Members received a presentation which included detailed location photographs, the existing site plan, street views and aerial views, historic streetscapes, the isometric view, room layouts, elevations, proposed site plan, the New Bridge Street entrance, floor plans and various illustrative views. The presentation was concluded with a summary of key issues as well as the full, revised recommendation. He also advised that;-


·       the Environment Agency were close to withdrawing their objection; and

·       if significant changes were required, the scheme would come back in front of the Committee.


The revised recommendation was for approval subject to the conditions as set out in the update sheet.


In response to queries from Members, the Service Lead - City Development clarified that:-

·       there would be a vehicular right of way across the site but no dedicated bay was planned for deliveries and emergency vehicles;

·       the average room size was 19sqm;

·       Historic England has praised the modern element of the project; and

·       cycle parking and electric bike charging were compliant with Exeter City Council standards.


No objectors had registered to speak at the meeting.


Mr Collar, speaking in support of the application, made the following points:-

·       discussions had been taking place for years with the Service Lead - City Development and Historic England;

·       the location was highly sustainable for a co-living scheme;

·       he expected the Environment Agency to withdraw their objection imminently;

·       there would be no bedrooms on the ground floor;

·       there would be a kitchen and lounge for every six bedrooms; and

·       a layby would be available for delivery and emergency vehicles to park.


He responded as follows to queries from Members:-

·       affordability across the spectrum of rooms could be negotiated as part of the Section 106 agreement;

·       the layby contained a single bay which could host a lorry-sized vehicle;

·       there was also a disabled parking bay;

·       the concierge service – intended to be available 24/7 - would alleviate police concerns;

·       there would be no cooking facilities inside the rooms; and

·       the specific glazed features outside the concierge area would deter rough sleeping and anti-social behaviour.


The Director City Development made the following concluding points:-

·       this was a well-considered scheme responding to very exacting requirements from Historic England;

·       the Environment Agency did not have any concerns in principle;

·       any significant changes to the scheme would result in it being brought back to the Committee;

·       many issues and concerns could be addressed in the Section 106 agreement; and

·       regardless of personal considerations about the type of accommodation, the proposed development did meet a need in the city.


During debate, Members expressed the following views:-

the scheme would suit car-free living;

the design of the scheme would improve the area;

some of the concerns raised by the police remained and could possibly be addressed by the Section 106 agreement;

co-living had strict rules, which would facilitate eviction in case of rule-breaking;

no objections had been received from ward Councillors;

loss of privacy was the only contentious element to the scheme; and

the design of the proposed development had risen to the challenge.


The Chair moved the recommendation for approval which was seconded, voted upon and CARRIED.


RESOLVED that planning permission for renovation, conversion and change of use from retail unit and office to form a co-living scheme of thirty-four units including communal facilities and a co-working office space, front extension with four floors, link building, public plaza on the existing car park and renovation of existing bridge link to New Bridge Street be APPROVED subject to completion of a S106 Agreement relating to the matters identified and subject to conditions as set out in the update sheet.

Supporting documents: