The Net Zero Project Manager presented the six monthly update on the work of the Net Zero Team to reduce the City Council’s carbon emissions and delivery of the City Council’s Carbon Reduction Plan, working towards the 2030 target. The updated Carbon Reduction Action Plan (February 20224 v4.0) was included following a six monthly review of all measures (Achieving Net Zero Report 2022) across each sector of the Council’s Carbon Footprint. The report also included an update of the Councils Annual Carbon Footprint Report and Greenhouse Gas Inventory results for 2022/23.
The Net Zero Project Manager responded (in italics) to the following questions from a Member which had been submitted in advance:-
P 42 Last bullet point of Measures taken - states that three sites are being surveyed and findings will be reported to SMB for further consideration should the heat network be developed. Should this read that three sites are being surveyed and findings will be reported to SMB regarding whether the heat network should be developed?
“The heat network project being taken forward by 1Energy is not dependent on the councils buildings connecting. Both in terms of heat load and also in terms of the economic viability of the project the connection (or not) of the three ECC buildings would not be a reason for the network going ahead or not. A decision whether or not to connect these buildings to the network is only pertinent if 1Energy proceed to develop the network.”
P43 Last bullet point of measures taken regarding Council owned housing: how is the high priority of installing PV on all remaining suitable homes by 2030 reconciled with the statement that the current development programme has been suspended?
Currently, the cost of development and in particular interest rates, means that we are unable to take forward the Council housing development programme in a way which is financially viable. We continue to seek government funding to support our delivery aspirations and will endeavour to successfully deliver the programme of new council properties when budgets allow. However, the Council has developed a capital investment programme for the existing housing revenue account properties which is fully budgeted for as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan. As such, the ongoing retrofit works to improve the energy efficiency of properties does include the installation of PV panels and this is making a significant contribution to delivering affordable warmth for our tenants.
The Net Zero Project Manager highlighted the following:-
· the Net Zero team produce an update of the Carbon Reduction Plan, which is reviewed on a six monthly basis, through face to face meetings with various Heads of Service across the Council. She provided an overview of the ongoing work to deliver the commitment of a Net Zero Council, which included the decarbonisation of the Council’s assets. Every effort was made to seek Government funding to decarbonise our property estate.
· the Green Accord Scheme sets the standard for suppliers and encourages them to reduce and report their carbon emissions.
· the LEVI fundingis allocated to Tier 1 authorities, the team works with Devon County Council to secure the best arrangement for the City Council. She hoped to update Members very soon on progress.
· the Water Lane Smart Grid and Storage Project supports three electric refuse vehicles and energy for Exton Road..
· the team have submitted a fund bid to the South West Net Zero Hub, to support solar PV roll out for a number of Council properties, which do not have a renewable energy supply.
· the Net Zero team have been supporting the Service Lead for Active & Healthy People in reviewing the Council’s Green Travel Plan.
· the team have trained 196 staff and Members in carbon literacy. The team are also responsible for the Council’s Net Zero Ambassadors, to ensure staff were aware of the commitment to Net Zero.
· the Service Lead for Net Zero & Business continues to support 1Energy on a new city centre District Heating Network.
· The team are working with Planning to better manage and report the city’s biodiversity net gain.
· Strata now have their own Carbon Reduction Plan and have been carrying out sustainable procurement, introduced a Green Travel Plan and were monitoring their database more accurately to ensure ways of reusing their equipment.
The Net Zero Project Manager responded to the following Members’ comments:-
· the subscriptions related to staff for their professional development and membership of Exeter Chamber.
· the energy produced by the solar farm is enough to support the MRF operation, office accommodation and to charge vehicles. Any excess generation is sold back to the grid and that helps to pay the loan for the project. She would like to arrange a visit to the solar farm and presentation for Members.
Strategic Scrutiny Committee noted:-
1. the progress made and challenges to achieving measures set out in the Corporate Carbon Reduction Plan; and
2. the results of the most recent carbon footprint report (2022/23), which shows a small overall decline of 4% on the previous year.
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