Agenda item

Live and Move Strategy

To consider the report of Portfolio holder for Leisure Services & Physical Activity


The Service Lead – Active and Healthy People presented their report and made the following points:


·         a further application for funding had been made to Sport England, the outcome of which would be determined in a couple of weeks;

·         there had been a focus on lower super-output areas;

·         the Active Lives survey provided rich information to inform where resources were pointed;

·         there was a focus on those doing no activity, and the survey demonstrated a year-on-year reduction of those doing zero activity;

·         there was a £4.50 return on every £1 invested, which could be greater for those increasing from zero activity;

·         work was being undertaken with Inclusive Exeter to improve activity in diverse communities;

·         the Live and Move programme was nationally recognised as being innovative; and

·         there had been an increase in the proportion of families who were active.


The Service Lead – Active and Healthy People answered questions from Members as follows:


·         through partnership with Devon County Council and the LCWIP, support had been provided for a number of schemes however, Sport England work had supported Newtown area;

·         Alphington Green Circle diversion would have a consultation later this year and may potentially require partner finance;

·         the Ebrington Road area was contained within the St Thomas priority area

·         governance belonged with the Council as the host organisation and was contracted until the end March 2025 subject to the further ask of funding for 2025-2028

·         Sport England would meet on 25 June 2024;

·         data was based on the annual local lives survey and had a dashboard and focus on the 20 lower super-output areas;

·         information could be provided on protected characteristics in future;

·         there had been a focus on culture, long-term health conditions and low income;

·         the Wonford Hub governance would be decided post-planning;

·         the Alphington crossing idea had been appraised by Devon County Council and deemed not feasible;

·         King George V playing field was a multi-use area for football, walkers and those enjoying the biodiversity. There was a shortfall of three ATP pitches and work with the Community Trust would be taking place;

·         community builders were the eyes and ears on the ground, connecting directly with their communities;

·         there was learning to be had from the programmes which have been in place such as those for girls and women;

·         teenage girls showed the largest drop-off in activity;

·         it was a great time for girls’ rugby with two city teams and another about to begin ahead of the Womens Rugby World Cup in 2025; and

·         there was a focus on the city working with Cranbrook as a satellite town to identify barriers such as single car occupancy, which for Cranbrook, was the highest in the country.


The Portfolio Holder for Leisure Services and Healthy Living was invited to the table and answered questions as follows:


·         he acted on HATOC as an independent Member, rather than as a Portfolio Holder;

·         he supported Devon County Council with elements which learned from and work with local communities;

·         work was being looked at for improvement to transport options and seeking more active travel;

·         HATOC were undertaking an equalities impact assessment and seeking legal advice and there will be learning from the analysis; and

·         the Live and Move Strategy would support Devon County Council to learn and it was important to note Exeter City Council only monitored emissions.


RESOLVED that the report was noted.


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