Agenda item

Questions from Members of the Council under Standing Order No. 8


In accordance with Standing Order No. 8, the following question was put by Councillor Hannaford to the Leader:-


“Can the Executive Member please update council in the ongoing maintenance and future of the Northbrook Swimming Pool?”


The Leader gave the following response:-


“Maintenance and capital repairs to Northbrook continue to take place both proactively and reactively. A built facilities report for leisure has been commissioned and will be shared at Council when complete.


In a supplementary question, Councillor Hannaford asked the Leader for firm reassurances that the future of Northbrook Swimming Pool was safe and secure. The Leader replied that no decision had been taken to close it.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 8, the following question was put by Councillor Hannaford to the Leader:-


“Can the Executive Member please update the Council about the ongoing maintenance and refurbishment of the empty Council owned properties in the Buddle Lane & Newman Road estate, including a timetable of the works, and when we anticipate that families can move back in again?”


The Leader asked Councillor Denning, Portfolio Council Housing Development and Support Services, to answer Councillor Hannaford’s question. Councillor Denning gave the following response:-


“The project was to demolish and rebuild 18 Council houses, and 12 of the 18 properties were completed and let in early 2023. This leaves only 6 properties still to be completed, once funding is in place. In the meantime, all site security fencing and all remaining scaffolding is inspected weekly and the Council has engaged a security company who carry daily and nightly random patrols, they also report back on any issues found. Any report issues are being dealt with promptly. The Housing Team keep in contact with the displaced residents and continue to offer them support and alternative accommodation given the delays in completing these properties.”


In a supplementary question, Councillor Hannaford asked if the Portfolio Holder agreed that it was high time that funding was put in place to get these properties open again. Councillor Denning replied that, if funding were found, the properties in question would be open again, adding that permission had been given to the Section 106 Officer to start the process once funding was available.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 8, the following question was put by Councillor Hannaford to the Leader:-


“Can the Executive member please update council in the ongoing maintenance and refurbishment of the Riverside Leisure Centre, including the reroofing works?”


The Leader gave the following response:-


“Maintenance and capital repairs to the Riverside also continue to take place both proactively and reactively. Reroofing could take place alongside the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to allow the centre to be more energy efficient.”


In a supplementary, Councillor Hannaford asked the Leader for a timescale of when the roof would be waterproof. The Leader replied that this would happen as soon as possible but added that a plan was required first.


In accordance with Standing Order No. 8, the following question was put by Councillor Moore to the Leader:-


“Now we have reached the end of the financial year what is the cost, or latest estimated cost, to the Council resulting from the closure of Exeter City Living both in terms of lost income to the Council, and the outstanding debt liability?”


The Leader gave the following response:-


“The process of scaling back the Company was completed on 27 March. ECL made a cash payment of £1.4m towards the loans and transferred assets to a value of £4.3 million to the Council, including the land at Clifton Hill additionally the Council has made a statutory repayment of debt of £441,000 leaving a total of £3.95 million to be written off. The £3.95 million has been financed using a mixture of capital receipts and reserves earmarked for capital purposes meaning that there will be a saving of around £288,000 in the General Fund from 2025/26 rising to £400,000 once the sale of Mary Arches has completed.


In overall terms the loss of income is estimated to be £112,000 as reported in the budget pressures for 2024/25.”