Agenda item

Executive Committee - 5 March 2024


The minutes of the Executive of 5 March 2024 were presented by the Leader, Councillor Bialyk, and taken as read.


In respect of Minute No. 39 (Review of the Corporate Risk Register), Councillor Rees asked when the Executive were expecting to see fewer items flagged as red on the Risk Register. The Leader replied that the red risks helped the Executive identify areas that needed to be addressed as a matter of priority; he also argued that a Risk Register with all indicators on green had no credibility.


Councillor Moore asked the Leader about risks associated with the Exeter Development Fund, namely the proposal for the Council and other institutions in the city to put property assets into a new vehicle set up for investment by pension companies to enable property speculation and investment in infrastructure. The Leader remarked that the minutes at hand merely noted the Risk Register but advised that he would be prepared to find the appropriate forum to have this discussion.


In respect of Minute No. 40 (Householder's Guide: Design of Extensions and Alterations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD): Adoption), Councillor Ketchin felt that the document presented should be visited to incorporate green policies. Councillor Moore agreed with him and proposed an alternative recommendation as follows:-


To refer this draft SPD back to the planning team to review this policy with a view to removing planning barriers to reducing carbon emissions,  protecting and enhancing nature and addressing the climate crisis in line with the Council’s corporate objectives of Net Zero 2030 and  tackling the environmental crisis.


Members speaking in favour of the alternative recommendation made the following comments:-

·         there were mechanisms that the Council could use to help people make greener choices more easily; and

·         Exeter City Council should seize the opportunity to go further than the national guidance.


Speaking against the alternative recommendation, the Leader praised the amount of work carried out by the Planning team and stressed the importance of taking the emotional out of the debate.


The alternative recommendation was moved by Councillor Moore, seconded by Councillor Read and, following a vote, the alternative recommendation was lost.


The Leader then moved and Councillor Wright seconded the substantive recommendation and, following a vote, the recommendation was carried.


In respect of Minute No. 41 (Tree and Woodland Strategy 2023-33), Councillor Ketchin pointed out two factual inaccuracies and asked for these to be amended or removed. The Leader replied that any inaccuracies in the minutes would be addressed at the next meeting of the Executive. The Lord Mayor clarified that the minutes at hand reflected what had been said at the meeting, regardless of whether what had been said was accurate or not. The Leader suggested that a post-meeting note could be appended to the minutes in question.


Councillor Ketchin went on to make the following points:-

·         the Council needed to identify where trees could be planted and tree loss needed to be factored in;

·         Devon County Council’s tree planting policy focused on rural planting;

·         funding was key; and

·         sustained political intent was needed.


Councillor Moore proposed an additional recommendation as follows:-


To prepare a five-year budget for the implementation of the action plans set out in the strategy. The budget should set out the likely allocation by the Council in the Medium-Term Financial Plan, any funding gap in Council funds for this work falling under Council responsibilities and also the level of anticipated contributions from third parties, as yet unidentified.


She explained that:-

·         she was keen that trees should be planted earlier than when they needed to be replaced;

·         it was clear that the budget was insufficient; and

·         the additional recommendation would take some effort to implement but should be seen as an investment.


Speaking in favour of the additional recommendation, Councillor Hannaford felt that the figure of £800 to plant a tree was an exaggeration and made further reference to:-

·         the issue around the Habitats Regulations Assessment (HRA);

·         community fruit orchards; and

·         the street tree planting initiative in London.


Conversely, Councillor Harvey felt that the additional recommendation was a knee-jerk reaction and made the following observations:-

·         the strategy started a long time ago and was one of three that needed to be seen together; and

·         the fact that Exeter City Council now has a tree team should be celebrated.


The Leader thanks Councillor Harvey for his comments and further advised that, while he would be voting against the additional recommendation, he would be discussing its contents with Scrutiny Chairs. He added that the substantive recommendation should be recognised as a commitment.


Councillor Moore moved and Councillor Ketchin seconded the additional recommendation and, following a vote, the additional recommendation was lost.


The Leader then moved and Councillor Wright seconded the substantive recommendation and, following a vote, the recommendation was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Executive held on 5 March 2024 be received and, where appropriate, adopted.



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