Agenda item

Disposal of land at Grace Road Fields for the facilitation of the Low Carbon Exeter District Heat Network

To consider the report of the Director Finance.




RESOLVED that Executive approve:-


(1) the off-market disposal of part of Grace Road Fields, to Exeter Energy Network (“EEN”), or one of its associated vehicles, for the delivery of a Low-to-Zero Carbon heat network having consideration to the best consideration report prepared by independent Chartered Surveyors;


(2) that delegated authority be given to the City Surveyor, in consultation with the Council Leader and the Director Finance (S151 Officer) to approve:


a)    the final boundary and terms associated with the disposal of the site; and

b)    to appropriate the wider Grace Road Field site, which belongs to the Council for planning purposes to facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development, or improvement on or in relation to that land.


(3) that subject to approval of (1) above, that notices be published in relation to the disposal of open space at Grace Road Fields with the results presented to the Executive prior to any exchange on the disposal of the site.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





The Executive received the report to dispose of part of Exeter City Council’s land holdings at Grace Road Fields, at best consideration, to Exeter Energy Network, following the award of £42.5million by Central Government to Exeter Energy Network to build a heat network using water source heat pumps.


The City Surveyor outlined the details in the report which outlined the options and the best recommendation going forward.


The Service Lead, Legal Services & Interim Monitoring Officer advised that the report was not a planning consideration and that any Executive Member sitting on Planning Committee would need to keep an open mind on matters brought before them.


Opposition group leaders spoke on the item and made the following points:-


·         Cllr Moore – advised that the land was within the Valley Park master plan, which needed to be considered and whether a statement needed to be made.

·         Cllr Mitchell – enquired on whether the Council was disposing on freehold or on leasehold grounds?


During the discussion, the following points were made:


·         clarity was sought on whether there should be a public consultation?

·         would the land be sold with any pledges to ensure no houses were built on the site?

·         the Valley park protection and assurances was valid, but was subject to planning considerations; and

·         the timescales for funding were uncertain, but it was a good project in principle


In response to questions raised, the City Surveyor advised


·         the site was designated as Valley Park and therefore any planning application would have to address that issue;

·         it was not clear in the report, but it should read that the disposal of open space would be published in the normal way, which was two consecutive weeks, with the submissions to be considered;

·         the Council nearly always included restrictive covenants on disposals to control development; and

·         there would have to be a very long leasehold for the amount of investment required.


The Leader moved, and Councillor Wright seconded, the recommendations which were voted upon and CARRIED unanimously.


RESOLVED that Executive approve:-


(1) the off-market disposal of part of Grace Road Fields, to Exeter Energy Network (“EEN”), or one of its associated vehicles, for the delivery of a Low-to-Zero Carbon heat network having consideration to the best consideration report prepared by independent Chartered Surveyors;


(2) that delegated authority be given to the City Surveyor, in consultation with the Council Leader and the Director Finance* (S151 Officer) to approve:


a)    the final boundary and terms associated with the disposal of the site; and

b)    to appropriate the wider Grace Road Field site, which belongs to the Council for planning purposes to facilitate the carrying out of development, re-development, or improvement on or in relation to that land.


(3) that subject to approval of (1) above, that notices be published in relation to the disposal of open space at Grace Road Fields with the results presented to the Executive prior to any exchange on the disposal of the site.


* Officer Title has since changed to Strategic Director for Corporate Resources.