Agenda item

Half Yearly Reports of Portfolio Holders

Councillor Wadham (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor Mrs S Brock (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal half yearly report on the Scrutiny Committee work programme.




Councillor Wadham and Councillor Mrs S R Brock presented progress reports on the priorities within the respective Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio and Economy and Tourism Portfolios.


Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as a resident of Heavitree in respect of the discussion on the Environmental Enhancements for Heavitree.


Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio


·         Long Term Spatial Strategy - The Council has now responded to the Secretary of State’s proposed modifications to the Regional Spatial Strategy expressing concerns about the capacity of the city to accommodate the scale of growth envisaged.

·         Affordable Housing – The introduction of a 35% affordable housing standard awaits completion of work on viability. Any conclusion will be reflected in the Core Strategy due to go out for consultation next year.

·         Climate Change - The Planning team continue to raise the need to meet higher standards of construction and insulation with developers. The level of construction activity is relatively low at present. Arrangements to bring together Planning and Building Control are set out in the staffing report on this agenda.

·                     Environmental Enhancements –Work on the Fore Street, Heavitree enhancement programme continues and design work for the enhancement of Cowick Street has begun.  Planning Member Working Group agreed that Martin’s Lane would be a priority for this year with proposals for Gandy Street and Fore Street to follow.

·         Debenhams and the Bus Station Site - Progress on the former Debenhams building has slowed reflecting current market conditions.  A Height and Massing Study has been completed for the Bus Station site.

·                     Signing – A new pedestrian signing system will be implemented from December and completed by February. It was noted that the quality of the signage was very high.

·         Demand Management - The commitment remains for closer working with the County Council on the Major Schemes Bid to improve highway infrastructure and public transport in Exeter, including a consultation exercise for a proposed Park and Ride on a site on the west side of the city.

·         Civil Parking Enforcement - This is now in place and Members should see the benefits from the increased level of enforcement.


It was noted that a copy of this report would be appended to the Minutes.


The Director gave the following responses to Members’ questions.


·         Despite the current economic climate, commercial negotiations continue for the former Debenhams site, and for retail provision to the lower floors, but residential use on the upper floors would be difficult to achieve in the current market. Members will be invited to comment as soon as a scheme is forthcoming.


·         Recent press reports have suggested that the new development at Cranbrook will be delayed, however a package of funding for a coordinated transport infrastructure by 2009 is in place. Cranbrook Station should be delivered with funding from the RDA Regional Infrastructure Fund and it is still the intention of Network Rail to build the new passing loop at Axminster by 2009. There is regular dialogue with the rail companies, but the Director advised that he would speak to the County Council’s Deputy Director of Environment, Economy & Culture for further reassurance of the anticipated timetable.


Economy and Tourism Portfolio


·         City Centre Regeneration – We continue working with Land Securities to deliver the Debenhams building, as well as developing a Master Plan for the Bus Station.

·         Street Markets – To continue with a programme of markets including the Farmers’ Market, Continental, Italian and Christmas Gift markets.

·         Tourism Promotion – We are reviewing plans to improve the Quay House Visitor and Information facility.

·         Regenerating the Canal Basin - Work on 14 Affordable Housing Units near 60 Haven Road is progressing  and the Haven Road Link Road is due to go out to tender shortly.  Any further work at the Canal Basin head is on hold until the economic situation improves.

·         Economic Development Strategy – The consultants have nearly completed their work in updating the Strategy, and Scrutiny Economy has agreed both the Strategy and Action Plan at its September meeting.

·         Science Park - The Master Plan has been completed and the Science Park Partnership is currently preparing an outline planning application and specification for the first building on site.

·         Delivering Other Employment Sites -  We will continue working with the development sector to identify new sites and the Council’s Core Strategy which will help identify additional sites will also be published shortly.

·         Improving Skills - The Employment and Skills Board has met to look at improving the links with business, education and training providers.  A pilot to link training provision to career paths locally in professional and business services is being developed.

·         Renewing the Arts Strategy -    An Arts and Media Strategy working group has been established to help review the Arts Strategy for the Council. The Strategy will be completed early in the New Year.

·         Making best use of our Property Portfolio -   To continue to manage the portfolio in the most efficient and effective way.


Councillor Mrs Brock gave the following responses to Members’ questions.


·         A Fair Trade Market is provisionally arranged for 28 February at Fore Street/South Street.


·         Economic activity will continue to be monitored carefully.






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