Agenda item

Devon County Council's Transportation Proposals for the Exeter Principal Urban Area

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated



Councillor P Brock declared a personal interest as a Member of Devon County Council. Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as an employee of Devon County Council. Councillor Sheldon declared a personal interest as he lives in Heavitree.


Councillor Prowse attended under Standing Order 44 to speak on this item. (He also declared a personal interest as he lives on Topsham Road)


The report of the Director Economy and Development advised Members of the County Council’s progress in preparing a major schemes bid for transportation enhancements in the city to help tackle congestion and improve air quality.

This latest package of schemes will take the process to the second stage of funding which had to be submitted by March 2009. A number of improvements included addressing the flow of outbound traffic from the city centre at pinch points such as Exe Bridges, Haven Road Junction and Alphington Cross. There was also a proposal for a new Park and Ride site on the west of the city and additional outbound lanes on the Topsham Road and Bridge Road corridor as well as a shared footway and cycleway. Although Devon County Council is the delivering authority, we will be consulted for elements of a number of these proposals. The work is likely to cost in the region of £35 million and will raise a number of significant issues and in particular related to the proposed park and ride site. There will also be an opportunity to comment on the Bridge Road corridor scheme as some of the land is in City Council ownership. He responded to a Member comment that the design and materials of the pedestrian and cycle structures at the river crossings were crucial and required sensitive handling.


Councillor Prowse spoke to Members as he was concerned about the extent and validity of the consultation process.  He advised that details of the proposed schemes had been reported in the local press and were also set out by the County Council’s Chief Engineer, as an urgent item at a recent Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) meeting. He had been unable to speak at the meeting, and was advised to make his comments as part of the consultation process.  The Director clarified that this report had been placed on the Scrutiny Economy agenda to allow Members an opportunity to comment on the principle of the proposals.


He responded to a number of comments

  • There were no further plans for the Heavitree corridor. 
  • The emphasis of the proposals was on outbound capacity; the proposals would also benefit public transport.
  • The reduction in the through running of a number of services operated by South West Trains from Waterloo to Torbay at the end of 2009 was a major source of concern. The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport and the County Council have made representations to the Department of Transport  (DfT) and we are waiting for them to come forward with a solution.
  • Although the Park and Ride plan was light on detail, there was scope for some significant landscaping for the site to soften the impact.
  • Members were assured that a number of options to improve traffic flow at Countess Wear roundabout have been assessed, but have proved too costly.  There would be active dialogue with the County and City Councils and local residents.
  • The need to have adequate signage for the cycle routes had been raised with the County Council.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and Members gave their support to the Devon County Council’s funding bid for the proposed Exeter Principal Urban Area Package Scheme.


(Report circulated)

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