Agenda item

Replacement of filters at the Pyramids Swimming Pool

To consider the report of the Head of Leisure and Museums – report circulated




The Head of Leisure and Museums presented the report seeking approval for the replacement of filters at Pyramids, which had reached the end of their useful life. He explained that had the option for building a new pool at Clifton Hill been pursued maintenance expenditure on the Pyramids would still have occurred.


A Member stated that it was inappropriate to utilise the budget originally earmarked for the design of a new pool on maintenance requirements for the Pyramids and expressed his fear that additional, as yet unidentified, expenditure would be necessary in respect of further repairs and maintenance.


The Head of Leisure and Museums reported that in the event of the filters failing the contractor would be entitled to compensation for losses incurred during the pool closure. The principal risk was a failure of the filters occurring before the installation of new vessels and it was anticipated that failure before the end of 2009 was likely. There was also a risk that once replacement started, the contractors could find other elements of the plant which needed replacing, leading to extra costs and additional closure time.  The risk of this, following the survey, was assessed as low. Because of the size of the plant room it would be possible to construct the new filters on site and installation would entail pool closure for only approximately two days, subject to no additional works being required. He explained that under the terms of the contract with DC Leisure, the Council was responsible for the plant and building with the contractor responsible for general fittings and operation. 


In response to questions from a Member, the Chair of the Swimming Pool Working Group advised that the working group had yet to form a view about the location of any pool and had no firm conclusions in respect of alternative sites, but that he personally was of the view that Clifton Hill was not the most suitable site noting that, amongst other issues, it was likely that it would be unable to meet demand for other leisure facilities following the closure of Pyramids. He was also of the view that because of the likely development to the north east of the City, traffic congestion in the City Centre and the need for a top class sporting facility, the Clifton Hill site was not a suitable location. He stated that, in respect of any alternative potential venue for a new facility, the Group had not addressed the issue of a feasibility study and how it would be funded. A Member expressed surprise that the Group had not considered utilising the AIM budget, the Chair of the Group responded that the members of the Group had flagged up the need for replacing the filters but that it was not within its role to deal with any issues relating to the maintenance of the Pyramids. The Head of Contracts and Direct Services explained the operation of the AIM budget.


Councillor Branston moved and Councillor Choules seconded the following amendment to the recommendation, that:-


(a)        the decision not to pursue Clifton Hill as the favoured site for a new swimming pool be rescinded; and


(b)        the Director Community and Environment be instructed to bid for funding from the AIM budget to finance the replacement of the filters at the Pyramids.


The motion was put to the vote and lost.


Scrutiny Committee Community supported the report and requested Executive to:-


(1)        agree to the replacement of the filters and associated pipework at the Pyramids as soon as practicable;


(2)        support the funding of the work from the budget remaining from the new pool project; and


(3)        support the proposal not to install equipment to disinfect water using ultraviolet light.


(Report circulated)

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