Agenda item

Trews Weir Allotments

To consider the joint report of the Head of Contracts and Direct Services and the Head of Leisure and Museums – report circulated



The Lord Mayor, Councillor Winterbottom, attended the meeting and spoke on this item having given notice under Standing Order No. 44.


The Director Community and Environment had declared a personal interest as a Trews Weir allotment holder and did not attend the meeting for this item.


The Head of Contracts and Direct Services presented the report setting out the current position in respect of Trews Weir Allotments and seeking Members’ views on the available options in order for the Portfolio Holder for Environment and Leisure to consider a suitable course of action.    The three options were:-


Option 1 – do nothing:  This would not result in the loss of allotments within the City but would replace the Council’s ‘monopoly’, albeit a limited, mixed economy of ownership. It would, however, result in the displacement of up to 40 plot holders who hoped to be accommodated within the existing allotment provision.

Option 2 – re-provide a limited number of allotments:  By extending into the adjacent community woodland it was likely that up to twelve half plots could be provided within the funding available. The area would require fencing but the visual impact would be minimal. However, this would still result in the displacement of up to 38 plot holders and would not be as cost effective as Option 3. It would result in a minimal increase in plots across the City.

Option 3 – re-use the old allotment site:  Using the old allotment site would preclude an extension into the community woodland and would accommodate all of those displaced. It could also be brought into use quickly. It would however have to be fenced and would therefore impact on the visual amenity of the Riverside Valley Park. The environmental impact of the site could be minimised by ensuring sustainable practices were followed.  It would also result in a further increase in available plots within the City, but a loss of currently publicly accessible land.


The Lord Mayor thanked officers for their work in seeking to resolve the difficulties faced by the allotment holders following the purchase of the land by a private individual. Commenting on the strong and enthusiastic allotment association in St. Leonards he advocated Option 3 as the only viable solution which he also felt would have a minimal effect on the Riverside Valley Park. He stated that more people should be encouraged to grow their own food as it encouraged exercise and healthy eating.


There was unanimous support from other Members of the Committee for Option 3 with further recognition of officers’ diligence in seeking to resolve the position. Reference was made to correspondence from the private owner setting out his position and to the response from the Secretary of the Allotments Association. Reference was made by a Member to the lack of allotments being provided in some new housing developments and it was noted that Option 3 would increase the net number of allotments in the City. Another Member believed that the proposed alternative site would enhance that part of the riverside if sympathetically re-instated.


The Head of Contracts and Direct Services further explained the negotiation process and the steps taken to protect and preserve the existing storage, vegetation, trees etc. prior to re-settlement. He confirmed that planning services were mindful of the need for additional allotments and of meeting the current demand when developing policies for the City and considering new developments.


Scrutiny Committee - Community recommended that the Portfolio Holder for Leisure and the Environment bring forward option 3 above.


(Report circulated)

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