Agenda item

Reducing Carbon Emissions in Exeter: The Role of Planning and Transportation Strategy

The Role of Planning and Transportation Strategy:Summary (41-44)

Paper One – Overview (45– 52)

Paper Two – Land Use Planning (53 – 78)

Paper Three – Transportation Strategy (79 – 94)

Paper Four – City Centre (95 – 102)


To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated


Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as a member of Exeter Vision.


The report of the Director Economy and Development included a set of four papers, which summarised a set of actions for the short and medium term, which were proposed for adoption.  He also made a presentation outlining the challenges facing the city to reduce carbon emissions over the next two decades and beyond.


Paper One - Reducing Carbon Emissions in Exeter - the role of Planning and Transportation Strategy


This paper provided an overview of the longer term strategy for reducing carbon emissions and set out the national targets, targets by specific sector and proposed options. It defined a range of short and medium term measures in respect of planning and transport issues. 


Paper Two - Land Use Planning and Development Management 


The report looked at significant changes that are needed in land use policies and actions if the challenges of climate change are to be addressed.  These changes include the design of new developments meeting the legal requirements of a zero carbon rating by 2016, as well as maximising more high quality public transport use and creating more efficient energy sources.


Paper Three – Transportation Strategy: Measures to Reduce Carbon Emissions/Proposed City Council input to DCC Local Transport Plan 2011-16


There has been recent progress and trends in the city in terms of transportation and this paper set out a number of major priorities that Devon County Council will consider as part of its preparation of their Local Transport Plan.  As traffic has continued to rise, the emphasis on encouraging more investment in public transport and reducing the level of cars coming through the city remained a priority.


Paper Four- City Centre: Carbon Emissions, Air Quality and Traffic


The paper reviewed current conditions in the city centre and set out a framework for the longer term and proposed a range of short and medium term priorities.  This will include a city centre traffic management strategy including gateway, Park and Ride and rail enhancements.


Members welcomed the report and made the following comments for the Executive:-


  • the importance of improving public transport and of it being available to those who need it, with a realistic pricing structure.  He believed that any traffic management scheme taking the traffic out of the heart of the city centre would not have a detrimental effect on future vibrancy.


  • the principles of the Agenda 21 initiative from the 1990’s were now being reflected in this vision which was exciting.


  • the failure to act could have catastrophic consequences and therefore it was preferable to act in a precautionary manner.  There should be some caution over following all of the Turner Committee recommendations as new opportunities and innovations might be preferable.  There should be the chance to continue to debate any proposed changes at length and not come to a conclusion too soon.


  • the need to consider road pricing.


The Director made the following responses to Members’ queries:-


  • the report had not been shared with other authorities in the area, apart from Devon County Council, whose officers had seen and commented on a draft before Christmas.


  • the greater challenge remained to address the existing building stock and there was a need to review the funding framework.


  • the Community and Environment Directorate would carry through further work picking up a number of air pollution issues. The Projects and Business Manager stated that there was a link between transport and health particularly in younger people, and the PCT would be a potential source of funding for some initiatives.


The Projects and Business Manager confirmed that they were still awaiting a response to Network Rail’s consultation on future investment in the Devon Rail network as discussed at the last meeting of the Committee.  Every effort was being made by a range of partners and stakeholders to ensure that rail facilities would be in place for the new community at Cranbrook and proposed developments at Monkerton and Newcourt. The City Council will continue to work to try and help shape the future of the local rail network.


Scrutiny – Economy supported the content of the papers and the strategies and actions and recommended to Executive the following recommendations under the individual headings from Paper One to Paper Four inclusive to :-


(1)        Paper One – Reducing Carbon Emissions in Exeter - the role of Planning and Transportation Strategy


(i)         note the considerable challenge facing the City and County Councils in

securing the major reductions in carbon use that are necessary;


(ii)        support the strategy and measures proposed by the Turner Committee;


(iii)       endorse the actions in the attached papers as the City’s contribution to meeting its carbon reduction obligations; and


(iv)       report to Members annually on progress.


(2)        Paper Two – Land Use Planning and Development Management 


(i)         endorse the change in land use planning priorities and design philosophy

outlined in Sections 4 and 5 in particular relating to the co-location of uses

and adopting higher densities;


(ii)        endorse the development of a sustainable energy supply strategy for the

City’s growth areas with an implementation plan based on advice from the

Centre for Energy and the Environment;

(iii)       lobby the LGA to ensure that:


·         Government provides a comprehensive policy and funding regime for

delivering whole house/neighbourhood enhancements to secure

substantial reductions in CO2 emissions

·         Government maintains a firm line on the Code for Sustainable Homes

and for the parallel tightening of Part L of the Building Regulations for

commercial premises

·         Government addresses the lack of an effective tie up between

Approved Inspectors and the Local Planning Authority in delivering

low carbon designs


(iv)       approve the draft responses to the consultations on zero carbon in new

non domestic buildings at Appendix 1 of the report and on permitted development rights for small scale renewables at Appendix 4;


(v)        agree the need for appropriate training for staff and, if desired, Members

to ensure they are skilled in this new area of work; and


(vi)       ensure that the finalised Residential Design Guide adequately addresses

all of those issues relating to sustainable design.


(3)        Paper Three - Transportation Strategy: Measures to Reduce Carbon Emissions/Proposed City Council input to DCC Local Transport Plan 2011-16


(i)         note the core objectives outlined in Section 4.2 of this paper;


(ii)        support the measures proposed in Section 6 of this paper;


(iii)       support that a submission based on the above is made to Devon County

Council as input to the preparation of LTP3;


(iv)       note that a joint ECC/DCC city centre transportation strategy should be

prepared in the first half of this year;


(v)        note that a review of the City’s Parking Strategy be completed in parallel;


(vi)       note that a joint ECC/DCC strategy on providing for electric and hybrid

vehicles be prepared and the prospect for a City trial be brought to a

meeting of Scrutiny later this year; and


(vii)      endorse that (iv), (v) and (vi) above be the basis for the preparation of a CLEAR zone strategy for the City Centre linked to the designation of a Low

Emission Zone.


(4)        Paper Four –City Centre: Carbon Emissions, Air Quality and Traffic


(ii)        submit the transportation element of these proposals to Devon

County Council as input to the LTP3; and


(iii)       note that work proceeds on the draft strategy and key projects with a

view to its incorporation into the City Centre Area Action Plan to be

prepared later this year.


 (Report circulated)





Supporting documents: