Agenda item

Motion to Withdraw Sunday Car Parking Charges

To receive the report of the Head of Parking, Engineering and Business Support – report circulated


Councillor Newby attended the meeting and spoke on this item under Standing Order 45.


The report of the Head of Parking, Engineering and Business Support was presented, and sought the views of Members of the Scrutiny Committee – Economy, following referral of a Motion submitted to Council on 14 July 2009 by Councillor Newby.  He had called for the withdrawal of Sunday charges in all of the City Council car parks in an effort to help combat the effects of the recession on the local economy.


The Director outlined the financial implications of such an action and the challenging budgetary position currently faced by the City Council. He advised that if the revenue from the Sunday tariff were removed, then other proposals would have to be brought forward to address a predicted shortfall of approximately £150,000. He outlined the procedure stating that, should there be Member support for the Motion, the matter would be referred to Executive for a final decision.


Councillor Newby commented on a number of issues, which he felt made his Motion a valid proposition, including the impact of vacant units in the city centre; the lack of a Sunday Park and Ride service and a past example of when car parking charges were removed on some Sundays preceding Christmas 2008.  He had also spoken to the Chair of the Exeter Chamber of Commerce, who supported his stance and who asked if there might be a repeat of the free Sunday Christmas parking this year.


The Director responded to the points raised, advising that last year’s suspension of  tariffs in a number of car parks on three Sundays preceding Christmas, related to a VAT reduction, and was a one off initiative. The Park and Ride Scheme was operated by Devon County Council, and Stagecoach and there was no Sunday Park and Ride service from Matford, due to the weekly Sunday Market and Car Boot sale. He also confirmed that officers had made an accurate survey of the number of vacant retail units in the city centre, which was still running at 8% of all units, which compared favourably nationally with other cities.


During a lengthy discussion, Members expressed a mix of views for and against the proposal and made the following comments:-


  • Actual detail of the research evidence relating to parking charges would have been useful.
  • There appeared to be some inconsistency in the measures that could help the local economy, and the long term effectiveness of the funding of the recent recession initiatives which had been possible despite the current financial position.
  • Recognition that Sunday was now a day of trade, so perhaps this was the opportunity to address the level of public transport available on Sundays.
  • Even if car parking charges were removed, corresponding trade levels might not increase, and it was still national retailers who traded predominantly on Sundays as opposed to local businesses.
  • It was no longer appropriate to have any different arrangements for Sunday parking, which was now part of the seven day week of trading.
  • Withdrawing Sunday car parking charges could create more confusion.


The Director indicated that a regular comparison of the city’s car parking charges was made with other comparable cities.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy Members noted the report and supported their comments being reported to the Executive to enable them to reach an informed decision.


(Report circulated)

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