Issue - decisions

Review of Anti Social Behaviour

20/09/2012 - Review of Anti-Social Behaviour Policy and Procedures for Housing Landlord Services

(Minute 84)


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted, seeking approval for the Council’s amended Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) Policy and Procedures for tackling anti-social behaviour on the Council’s housing estates. The current policy and procedures had been in place since 2009 and a comprehensive review would be undertaken every three years. The fall in satisfaction levels for the service had been disappointing – it was hoped that minor changes in policy and the proposed revised procedures would address the issues.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at its meeting of 4 September 2012 and the comments and support of members for the revised provisions were noted.  Executive supported Scrutiny Committee’s proposal for a further internal review of practice and procedures and a report back to a future meeting of that Committee. 


Executive endorsed the importance of taking anti-social behaviour complaints seriously. Members commented that neighbourhood disputes were often at the root of complaints and perceived incidents of anti-social behaviour may also emanate purely from a conflict in lifestyles. The Portfolio Holder informed Executive of measures such as sound-proofing which were being undertaken on a trial basis with a view to addressing some of the more common areas of complaint.


The Assistant Director Housing and Contracts reported that a further report would be made to Scrutiny Committee - Community and Executive in November/December on the Localism Act’s provisions in relation to assured shorthold tenancies.


Executive resolved to adopt the revised Anti-Social Behaviour – Statement of Policy and Procedure.