Issue - decisions

Tenancy Strategy and Tenancy Policy

22/11/2012 - Tenancy Strategy and Tenancy Policy

(Minute 112)


Councillor Fullam declared a disclosable pecuniary interest as an employee of Sanctuary Housing Association.


The report of the Assistant Director Housing and Contracts was submitted seeking adoption of a Tenancy Strategy and Tenancy Policy as required by the Localism Act 2011. The Assistant Director outlined the broad principles and expectations of registered providers set out in the Tenancy Strategy.  She identified the main features of the Tenancy Policy which set out in more detail how the Council would implement the guiding principles of the Strategy in day to day housing management operations. Members’ attention was drawn to the Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) which recorded the potential impacts on the protected characteristic groups and the actions it was intended to take to address them. The policy would be monitored for unintended consequences and the EQIA would be reviewed and updated as necessary.


Executive welcomed the new Tenancy Strategy and Policy. They noted that fixed term tenancies would only apply to new tenants and considered the proposed five year term would normally be appropriate. They supported continuing “lifetime” tenancies for the specific groups identified. Noting the inadequate supply of social housing available, Members hoped that the measures would facilitate the provision of social housing to those most in need.   They anticipated a decrease in anti-social behaviour resulting from the threat of losing tenancies as well as a decrease in the major cost of evictions.   It was agreed that the downsizing policy should be reviewed in the context of the new scheme.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 6 November 2012 and the support and comments of members were noted.


Executive resolved that the new Tenancy Strategy and Policy be approved.