Issue - decisions


24/01/2013 - Draft City Centre Strategy for Exeter 2013 - 2022

(Minute 8)


To consider the report of the Assistant Director Economy updating members on preparation of a new City Centre Strategy to cover the period 2013/22.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at the meeting on 17 January 2013 and the support of members was noted. The Assistant Director Economy drew Executive’s attention to the comments of the Committee. These covered a range of matters including: the impact of internet sales on high streets, the importance of a mix of national and independent retailers, the significance of a range of generations on evening culture and the potential for “taxi marshalls”.


Executive welcomed the draft Strategy for consultation. The Portfolio Holder Economy and Tourism emphasised that the Strategy was very much a partnership document, rather than solely in the ownership of Exeter City Council and that the involvement of stakeholders was crucial to its success. The Portfolio Holder Business Transformation and Human Resources stressed that the delivery of a City Centre Business Improvement District remained a critical element of providing the necessary resources for achieving desired progress during the 5 year period.


Executive approved the draft City Centre Strategy as the basis for public engagement and consultation with key stakeholders.