Issue - decisions


21/03/2013 - City Centre Business Improvement District

(Minute 34)


The report of the Assistant Director Economy was submitted proposing City Centre support and funding towards the costs of establishing a City Centre Business Improvement District (BID).


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 7 March 2013 and the comments and support of members were noted.


Executive noted the attendance of Sarah Bond, Chair of Exeter Chamber of Commerce at the Scrutiny Committee and were pleased to note the strong support of the Chamber for the second BID proposal.  Executive emphasised the importance of a successful collaboration with the business sector for the future prosperity of the City and hoped for a successful outcome to the second BID ballot.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)     Executive confirms its support for the development of the City Centre Business Improvement District proposal; and


(2)     approves up to £25,000 towards the costs of the preparation of the BID Business Plan, and for the holding of the ballot, subject to an appropriate proposal being brought forward.