Issue - decisions

Production of Promotional Video

21/03/2013 - Production of Promotional Video

(Minute 35)


The report of the Assistant Director Economy was submitted, seeking support for the production of a promotional video (also known as a Vodcast) that will appear on Exeter City Council’s website and be available in an edited format for personal presentations.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy considered the report at their meeting of 7 March 2013 and its support for the initiative was noted. 


Executive supported the production of a video as a further tool in the range of marketing activities to promote the city for investment and to continually raise its profile. Members endorsed the request of Scrutiny Committee – Economy that efforts should be made to ensure the video had sufficient sustainability and longevity to acknowledge future changes in the city.  


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        a video be produced to promote the advantages of the city for local and relocating businesses; and


(2)        funding of up to £18,000 be approved to produce a 5 minute video to be included on the Exeter City Council website and a shorter edited version to be available for separate presentations.