Issue - decisions

Commitment to Local Employment and Training

23/01/2014 - A Commitment to Local Employment and Training




(1)          the progression of the application of Local Labour Agreements to new development proposals of an appropriate scale and size, through the preparation and adoption of a Supplementary Planning Document facilitated by the emerging Draft Development Delivery Development Plan Document be approved;


(2)        the Exeter and Heart of Devon Employment and Skills Board be encouraged to promote the adoption and application of Local Labour Agreements by developers, employers, local authorities and other stakeholders within and beyond the sub-region.


(3)        this approach is promoted to the Growth Board partners and developed in partnership with them; and


(4)        an approach is established to develop and promote the supply of local goods and services to the construction industry alongside local employment, recruitment, apprenticeships and skills training.


Reason for Decision:



As set out in the report.