Issue - decisions

Domestic Waste Containers - Charges and Policies

29/01/2015 - Domestic Waste Containers - Charges and Policies






(1)          the consolidated waste collection policies in Appendix 4 be approved;


(2)          the proposed list of exemptions from charges for domestic waste containers (Appendix 3) be adopted with effect from 1 February 2015; and


(3)          the Council more robustly follow an escalation process leading to the use of Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 to require residents to purchase or provide domestic waste containers to the required specification.


Reason for Decision:


To reduce the net cost to the Council for purchasing and delivering domestic waste containers to residents and to move towards cost neutrality for this chargeable service. Also to ensure that appropriate policies and charges for domestic waste collection are applied consistently and fairly.