Issue - decisions

Introducion of Charges at the RAMM (Camilla Hampshire)

19/11/2015 - New Income Generating Initiatives at RAMM: Donations Campaign and Temporary Exhibition Admission Charges






(1)        introduction of a visitor admission charge in relation to a temporary exhibition at the RAMM with the first ticketed temporary exhibition of the International Garden Photographer of the Year which will take place 23 April – 28 August 2016, be approved; 


(2)        that a follow up report be produced for Members to present the results and findings around charging for International Garden Photographer of the Year.  Based on the findings of this first exercise, a stepped approach to charging for some exhibitions may be developed.  At this stage it was considered likely that charges would be attached to selected and not all temporary exhibitions as detailed in paragraph 8.2 of the circulated report;


(3)        that subject to the outcome of this trial and a further report to the Scrutiny Committee - Economy, delegated authority be given to the Museums Manager and Cultural Lead, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to decide when an admission charge should be applied to any of the temporary exhibitions at RAMM; and


(4)        the approach to be taken for the related donations campaign, which also invites visitor’s financial contribution, be noted.


Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.