Issue - decisions

Climate change

02/07/2007 - Draft Climate Change Strategy 2007-2017

The report of the Head of Environmental Health Services was submitted seeking approval for the Draft Climate Change Strategy.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 5 June 2007 and the support and comments of members were noted. Executive endorsed the view of Scrutiny members that the ten year period proposed for the review of the strategy was too long and agreed that it should be reviewed in five years time. They were pleased to note that progress towards meeting the aims of the Strategy would also be monitored and reported to Scrutiny Committee – Community on an annual basis.


Executive noted the views of Scrutiny Committee – Community members in relation to the Notice of Motion submitted to Council by Councillor David Morrish proposing the appointment of a Climate Change Officer. A number of Executive members supported the view that at present it was more effective for existing officers, who could already provide a range of expertise, to share responsibility for the Strategy on the basis that this arrangement would be reviewed over time.  Executive had no objection to the proposal of Scrutiny Committee – Community to set up a Working Party to give further consideration to the appointment of a dedicated post, however, and requested that, should they choose to do so, consideration be given to a partnership approach.




(1)        the draft Climate Change Strategy, including the target for carbon reduction be approved; 


(2)        a supplementary budget of £25,000 for the work detailed in the report be agreed;


(3)            following consultation on the approved draft strategy, that the final strategy and action plan be presented to the Executive in January 2008;


(4)        general progress towards meeting the aims of the Strategy be monitored on an annual basis and reported to Scrutiny Committee – Community;


(5)        a commitment be made to undertaking a full review of the Strategy in five year’s time;


(6)        the Council signs up to Fair Shares Fair Choice; and


(7)        should the Scrutiny Committee – Community choose to establish a Working Group to consider the appointment of a Climate Change Officer, they be requested to consider the possibility of a partnership approach.

(Report circulated)