Issue - decisions

Car Park Tariffs

13/04/2017 - Car Park Tariffs




That the following be approved:-


(1)       tariffs at Premium, Zone 1 and Zone 2 car parks be increased by 10% within the existing  linear pricing structure as set out in the table below but retain the existing all day tariff to encourage visitor dwell time:-


Premium Car Parks (Guildhall, Mary Arches, John Lewis)


Current Tariff

Proposed Tariff




1 hour



2 hours



3 hours



4 hours



5 hours



6 hours



7 hours



All day






Zone 1 Car Parks (Bampfylde Street, Bartholomew Terrace, Harlequins, King William Street, Magdalen Road, Magdalen Street, Matthews Hall, Princesshay 2, Princesshay 3, Smythen Street)


Current Tariff

Proposed Tariff




1 hour



2 hours



3 hours



4 hours



5 hours



6 hours



7 hours



All day






Zone 2 Car Parks (Belmont Road, Bystock Terrace, Cathedral & Quay, Haven Road 1, Howell Road, Richmond Road, Parr Street, Topsham Quay, Triangle)


Current Tariff

Proposed Tariff




1 hour



2 hours



3 hours



4 hours



5 hours



All day






Zone 3 Car Parks (Flowerpot, Haven Road 2 & 3, Holman Way, Okehampton Street, Tappers Close)


Current Tariff

Proposed Tariff




1 hour



2 hours



3 hours



4 hours



All day






Zone 3 Car Parks with Maximum Stay (Clifton Hill, Gordons Place, Station Road (Exwick))




1 hour



2 hours



3 hours maximum stay






Coach Parking at Haven Road 3 (per day)






Quarterly Commuter Season Ticket



Residents Annual Season Ticket



Bartholomew Terrace Business Permit



Cathedral & Quay Business Bays





(2)       the following additional car parks be included in the Parking Places Order 2014:

            (a) Flowerpot (Appendix 1)

            (b)  Station Road (Exwick) (Appendix 2) and

            (c)  Clifton Hill (Appendix 3)

            by way of pay and display


(3)       the following car parks be designated as Zone 3 Car Parks as set out in paragraph 2.1 above table in the Parking Places Order 2014:

          (a) Flowerpot,

            (b)  Station Road (Exwick) and

            (c)  Clifton Hill


(4)       parking to a maximum 3 hour stay be restricted at the new Clifton Hill and Station Road (Exwick) car parks.


Reason for Decision:


Parking charges within the city have fallen behind other cities and the Council has ambitious plans to reduce congestion in the city.  A reasonable pricing policy will support these objectives. Costs have risen with the rise of payment by credit and debit cards, along with mobile phone payment charges.  Increased tariff charges will negate the need to introduce a separate surcharge and cover these additional costs. To reduce anomalies in parking provision by operating all pay and display sites in-house under a Parking Places Order.