Issue - decisions

Leisure Facilities

14/06/2018 - The Build Sport and Leisure Facilities




Agreed that it is recommended to Council that:-


(1)     Clifton Hill Sports Centre be permanently closed on cost /best value grounds;


(2)     Clifton Hill Sport Centre be sold to generate a capital receipt to offset compensation costs and provide investment for other Council priorities including the development and improvement of other leisure sites; 


(3)     Delegated authority be given to the City Surveyor to include the sale of the adjacent driving range, ski slope and Exeter Small Bore Rifle Club areas of the Clifton Hill site as a single development site if this offers the best value to the Council.


(4)    Delegated authority be given to the City Surveyor to take necessary steps to ensure the land is used for residential accommodation and not used for purpose built student accommodation.


(5)     an estimated budgeted loss of revenue income and VAT £100,000 be noted;


(6)     the operator be supported with its proposal to repackage and reframe the city wide leisure offer reducing by the price for a cross city offer which provides access to all facilities built at a proposed monthly membership fee of £25.00. (Currently at £35.65 per month); and


(7)     the development of Physical Activity and Built Facilities strategies be agreed setting out the longer term sustainability and development plans for Riverside Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre, Wonford Sports Centre; Exeter Arena and ISCA Centre; Northbrook Swimming Pool and Northbrook Golf Course.


(In accordance with Standing Order no.43, Councillor Leadbetter requested that his voting against these recommendations be recorded)


Agreed that it is recommended to Council that:-


 (8)    A budget of up to  £2,000,000 for essential enhancements to the fabric of the buildings and replacement of essential plant and mechanical systems at Exeter Arena, Wonford Sports Centre and Riverside Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre;


(9)     A budget of £880,000 for additional enhancements to the interiors and facilities at Exeter Arena, Wonford Sports Centre and Riverside Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre to improve the customer experience and mitigate against the loss of facilities at Clifton Hill Sports Centre;


(10)   A budget of up to £150,000 to demolish Clifton Hill Sports Centre to secure the site and avoid incurring Business Rates and other unbudgeted revenue costs;


(11)   Delegated authority be given to the relevant Director to negotiate and agree the contractual compensation payment to be paid to the Leisure Operator as a result of the closure of Clifton Hill, to be funded from a Leisure earmarked reserve; and


(12)   a budget of up to £150,000 be allocated to Newtown Community Association for the new Community Building being planned in Belmont Park with a further £50,000 being provided to enhance facilities in Belmont Park.

(In accordance with Standing Order no.43, Councillor Leadbetter requested that his voting against these recommendations be recorded)



Reason for Decision:


As set out in the report.