Issue - decisions

St Andrews Road Affordable Housing Development

26/09/2007 - St Andrews Road Affordable Housing Development

The report of the Head of Housing Services was submitted, seeking a declaration that a parcel of Council owned land off St Andrews Road, Exwick, is surplus and to obtain approval for the disposal of the land to Sanctuary Housing Association (SHA), at less than best value, any capital receipt to be ring-fenced to grant aid an affordable housing scheme on the site and to cover the cost of enabling works both on and off site. 


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 4 September 2007 and the support and comments of members were noted.  Executive was assured that consideration would be given to safety around the access, as requested by Councillor Hannaford, and requested that he seek the support of Devon County Council in bringing forward the cycle route and footpath as these were the responsibility of that authority. 


Noting the options available and for the reasons stated in the report, Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the land be declared surplus; 


(2)            delegated powers be granted to the Head of Estates Services, in consultation with the Leader, the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Social Inclusion, the Portfolio Holder for Community and Environment, and the Heads of Service for Treasury, Housing, and Contracts and Direct Services, to dispose of the land to Sanctuary Housing Association by way of a 125-year lease, at or below market value for affordable housing, subject to 100% nomination rights being granted to the City Council in perpetuity; and


(3)        any capital receipts be ring-fenced for use in grant aiding affordable housing and for the acquisition of the Environment Agency land,  the Head of Treasury Services to allocate the receipt within the capital programme.