Issue - decisions

Towards Carbon Neutral Exeter

09/07/2019 - Towards Carbon Neutral Exeter




(1)   Exeter City Council declare a ‘Climate Emergency’.


(2)  The carbon neutral target for Exeter is framed in a way that links to wider regional targets. This shows Exeter’s intention to decrease its emissions without increasing emissions in the wider region.


(3)  Exeter City Council commit to their operations becoming carbon neutral ahead of the 2030 date and mobilise resource to develop internal plans to deliver the target.


(4)  Exeter City Council request a “Carbon Neutral Delivery Team” is convened by Exeter City Futures Community Interest Company to establish a city plan for delivery that builds on the Energy Independence Roadmap produced by ECF CIC and uses the 12 Goals as the basis of the approach (see Appendix 1 to the circulated report for a list of the Goals). The Carbon Neutral delivery team will:


o   Draw together existing evidence and data to establish baseline state of the City presented under each of the 12 Goals;

o   Conduct a full audit of the City to highlight gaps between current plans and what is required to achieve carbon neutrality;

o   Define a clear city plan showing outcomes that will need to be met to deliver carbon neutrality, how existing activities support and where there are gaps;

o   Identify immediate opportunities and crucial first steps.



(5)  Exeter City Council commit resource to be part of the Carbon Neutral Delivery Team and, due to the urgency required, co-locate those resources with ECF CIC to ensure that the City Council is leading by example and sharing learning with other ECF CIC Member organisations and the wider ECF CIC Partner Network. (A list of current members of the ECF CIC Partner Network is provided in the circulated report).


(6)   Exeter City Futures CIC be requested to convene “Carbon Neutral Mandate Group” through a series of summits to validate, challenge and endorse the Roadmap produced by the Carbon Neutral working group.


(7)   Exeter City Council support the work of the Devon Climate Emergency Response Group (CERG) and note the outcomes and recommendations. Exeter City Council will participate in a "People’s Assembly" with the governance arrangements to be confirmed by the CERG.


(8)   A special meeting of Place Scrutiny Committee, be convened on a biannual basis, to collate and discuss all of the work by Exeter City Council in respect of Climate Change and also allow the opportunity for outside bodies to continue to update Members; and


(9)  Once the aforementioned roadmap/action plan has been received, Council reports should include an analysis of the progress and impact in working towards a Carbon neutral city goal, as they currently do for the impact on any decision in relation to equality and diversity; health and wellbeing; safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults; economy, safety and the environment.


Reason for Decision:

As set out in the report.