Issue - decisions

Move More Physical Activity Strategy: Built Facilities Update Wonford Health and Wellbeing Centre

11/12/2019 - Move More Physical Activity Strategy: Built Facilities Outline Business Case Wonford Health and Wellbeing Centre




(1)  The Director be authorised to progress the outline business case for a new Health and Wellbeing Centre in Wonford to the Design Brief Stage to include:


(a)      On-going co-design with residents, the community and key stakeholders developing the ideas set out in this report into indicative sketches, layouts, designs and building and running costs;

(b)      Development of a Wonford area recreational cycle investment plan;

(c)      Further work with Wonford Green Surgery Partners to establish options for generating a suitable capital receipt for the current Wonford Green Surgery site and principles around a long-term affordable rent commitment and reimbursement from the National Health Service England (NHSE); and

(d)      Improvements to the Wonford playing pitches utilising the Section 106 money set aside for this purpose ensuring that these developments are aligned with the emerging priorities within the Playing Pitch Strategy and Football Association Local Plan.


(2)  The inclusion of the Wonford Village in the Liveable Exeter Garden City Programme be endorsed; and

(3)  The continued financial and professional support from Sport England through the Local Delivery Pilot for the engagement and co-design process be noted.


Reason for Decision:

As set out in the report.