RECOMMENDED that Council approve:-
(1) officers developing an investment plan to deliver the aims of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF), to release Exeter’s UKSPF allocation of £1,403,000;
(2) delegated authority to be granted to Exeter City Council’s internal UKSPF Management group for the approval of the investment plan;
(3) the appointment of a Project Manager to support the management and monitoring of the Exeter UKSPF following the receipt of the offer letter from the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC); and
(4) the earmarked £20,000 administration payment for developing Exeter’s investment plan and consultation process, with any surplus used for project administration.
RESOLVED that the Executive note that:-
(1) in order to meet the UKSPF requirements, consultation on Exeter interventions would take place with a number of organisations with an interest in the delivery of UKSPF in Exeter, and the Liveable Exeter Place Board; and
(2) to ensure the effective management and monitoring of the UKSPF, an internal officer working group (UKSPF Working Group) be established, which will provide regular update reports to the Strategic Scrutiny Committee.
Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.