Issue - decisions

Overview of the General Fund Budget

29/06/2023 - Overview of General Fund Revenue Budget 2022/23



RECOMMENDED that Council notes and approves (where applicable):-


1)    the net transfer of £12,346,956 from Earmarked Reserves as detailed in paragraph 8.11 of the report;

2)    the supplementary budgets of £6,447,320 and budget transfers as detailed in paragraph 8.13 of the report;;

3)    the Earmarked Reserves at 31 March 2023;

4)    the Council Tax account and collection rate;

5)    the outstanding sundry debt, aged debt analysis and debt write-off figures;

6)    the creditors payments performance;

7)    the General Fund working balance at 31 March 2023 at £6,151,289, having taken into account the overall financial position of the Council; and

8)    the One Exeter programme update.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.