Issue - decisions

Household Support Fund 4

29/06/2023 - The Household Support Fund - Scheme 4



RECOMMENDED that Council approves the adoption of the proposed Household Support Fund – scheme 4 (HSF4), consisting of the following three projects:-


(1)  one-off support targeted at households identified through Council Tax Support records. Awards to be paid by cash voucher posted to customers by the end of September 2023, as detailed in paragraph 8.9 of the report;

(2)  an application based scheme for people with characteristics identified as having a priority need where households cannot be individually identified from existing records. Applications to open from October 2023 as detailed in paragraph 8.18 of the report; and

(3)  a flexible scheme allowing unspent funding to be allocated to individuals or groups needing extra support between January and March 2024.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.