Issue - decisions

Householder's Guide to Extension Design Supplementary Planning Document

04/10/2023 - Householder’s Guide to Extension Design Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)





(1) the ‘Householder's Guide: Design of Extensions and Alterations’ (included in Appendix A of the report) be approved as the basis for public consultation commencing on 23 October 2023;

(2) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development  be granted delegated authority to agree minor changes to the ‘Householder's Guide: Design of Extensions and Alterations’ before it is published for consultation; and

(3) the Director City Development, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for City Development be granted delegated authority to agree a change to the consultation start or end date if required.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.