Issue - decisions

Housing Rents

28/01/2008 - Housing Rents 2008-2009

The report of the Head of Treasury Services was submitted, recommending a rent increase from 1 April 2008 for Council dwellings.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 15 January 2008 and the support and comments of Members were noted.


Executive expressed its dissatisfaction that the period of convergence for the rents of all social landlords had been extended to 2016/17. They requested Scrutiny Committee – Community to investigate the Government’s rent restructuring policy with particular regard to the reasons for the extension of the period of convergence and, in doing so, to liaise with other Councils in the region.  It was also proposed that the Portfolio Holder Housing and Social Inclusion be requested to raise the issue at the national group of social housing stockholders of which she is a member.




(1)     rents of Council dwellings be increased from April 2008, by an average of 5.7% which includes a general increase of 3.9% together with the phased introduction of the Government’s rent restructuring proposals; and


(2)     Scrutiny Committee – Community be requested to investigate the Government’s rent restructuring policy, with particular regard to the relationship between Council and housing association rents and the reasons for the extension of the period of convergence, and to report back to Executive in due course.   


                                                       (Report circulated)