Issue - decisions

Capital Monitoring Statement

03/10/2008 - Capital Monitoring Statement to June 2008 (Minute 102)

The report of the Head of Treasury Services was submitted, reporting the current position in respect of the Council’s revised annual capital programme and advising Members of the anticipated level of deferred expenditure into future years.


Scrutiny Committee – Resources considered the report at their meeting on 17 September 2008 and the support and comments of Members were noted.


The Head of Treasury Services reported that during the first three months of the current financial year the Council spent £2,046,164 which equated to 6.9% of the 2008/09 revised Capital Programme. Whilst only just over £121,000 of the RAMM re-development budget had been spent during that period, he reported that there would be significant expenditure over the next few months.


A member expressed concern regarding this Council’s possible liability for Devon County Council projects such as the renewal of the Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre funded by the proceeds of the sale of Exeter Airport, in the event of local government re-organisation in Devon.  Officers advised that the Council would be responsible for contractual liabilities on any transfer but there would also be an equivalent transfer of assets.  It was agreed that clarification should be sought as to when the County Council proposed undertaking the works.


Members also queried delays in the provision of play facilities provided through Section 106 funding, such as that at Polsloe Priory. Councillor Mitchell declared a personal interest in this item as he lived adjacent to this site. The Director Economy and Development reported that considerable effort was being made to ensure that developers delivered the required facilities on time and to the right standard and regular progress reports were made to Planning Committee.


RESOLVED that the current position in respect of the annual capital programme be noted.


(Report circulated)