Issue - decisions

Urgent Maintenance Works at the Pyramids - Replacing Filters

23/06/2009 - Replacement of Filters at the Pyramids Swimming Pool

The report of the Head of Leisure and Museums was submitted, seeking approval for the replacement of filters at Pyramids, which have reached the end of their useful life. The Director Community and Environment informed Executive of the urgent need to replace the filters in view of the imminent risk of their failure. She also referred to correspondence circulated to Councillors from the Chairman of Exeter City Swimming Club urging the Council to install an Ultra Violet light system at the Pyramids. She advised members that the Council’s specialist water consultant considered that the water quality at the pool continued to reach acceptable standards and it was therefore recommended not to install this equipment at the present time.


Scrutiny Committee – Community considered the report at their meeting on 2 June 2009 and the support of the Committee to the proposal and the comments of members were noted.


Councillor Branston attended this meeting and spoke on this item under Standing Order 44. He urged the Council to proceed with the development of a new pool at Clifton Hill, reminding members of the feasibility study that had previously been undertaken and the reasons why that location had been selected by the Council.  He considered that Exeter was under-provided with swimming pools in comparison with cities with similar populations and that the other pools in the city were already operating at capacity. In view of the health and safety concerns regarding water quality, he suggested that it would be appropriate for the replacement of the filters to be funded through the Asset Improvement and Maintenance (AIM) budget. He considered that further delays would increase the cost of a new pool and that development at Clifton Hill should now proceed, particularly in the light of the anticipated return of some of the money invested in Icelandic banks.


The Chair reminded Executive that, at the request of members, money refunded from the Icelandic banks had been earmarked to restore specific schemes, including improvements to play areas, to the capital programme.


The Portfolio Holder Environment and Leisure urged members to support the replacement of the filters in view of the serious consequences of their failure. He informed members that the Swimming Pool Working Group continued to investigate all options and emphasised that Councillor Branston’s involvement in the group would be welcomed.


Whilst supporting the urgent replacement of the filters, other members hoped that this would not be at the cost of progressing plans for a new pool.


Councillor Edwards reminded Executive of the consistent aspiration of his group to seek a new pool and the reasons for selecting Clifton Hill as the appropriate site. He moved an amendment to the recommendation, seconded by Councillor Mrs Morrish that plans be drawn up to build a new swimming pool at Clifton Hill. The amendment was put to the vote and lost.


The Portfolio Holder Business Transformation and Human Resources reminded members of the range of alternative swimming facilities available in the city. She considered that it would be irresponsible for the Council to borrow significant amounts of money at the present time, particularly in advance of the decision on the local government review.  Whilst no-one disputed the desirability of a new pool when the financial situation permitted it, the Chair emphasised the importance of sound financial management in the current economic climate.


Executive resolved that:-


(1)        the filters and associated pipework at Pyramids Swimming Pool be replaced as soon as practicable;


(2)        the work be funded from budget remaining from the new pool project; and


(3)        equipment to disinfect water using ultraviolet light not be installed.