
Decisions published

07/11/2023 - Digital Customer Strategy 2023-2025 ref: 2407    For Determination

Report to consider the Digital Customer Service Strategy and results of the public consultation

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023




RECOMMENDED that Council:-


(1)  approves the adoption of the Digital Customer Strategy 2023-2025 together with the intended outcomes and priority actions proposed; and

(2)  notes that a detailed delivery plan will be produced to enable the Council to monitor progress towards the achievement of the ten goals set out in the Strategy. The implementation plan is likely to require additional resources and would be brought back through the Council’s governance process in 2024.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Bruce Luxton, Stephen Clayton

07/11/2023 - Annual Scrutiny Report 2022-23 ref: 2408    For Determination

To receive the Annual Scrutiny Report

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023




RECOMMENDED that Council approve the Annual Scrutiny Report 2022- 2023.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.





Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Baan Al-Khafaji

07/11/2023 - Amendments to the Scheme of Delegation and minor updates to the Constitution ref: 2409    For Determination

To consider the report on the 2023 update to the Scheme of Delegation.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023




RECOMMENDED that Council approve the changes to the Scheme of Delegation to Officers, and the minor updates to the Financial Regulations and Standing Order No. 54, as set out in Appendix A of the report presented to the meeting.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Mark Devin

07/11/2023 - Request to repatriate a sacred bundle - a Motokiks ceremonial headdress to the Blackfoot (Siksika), Alberta, Canada ref: 2410    Recommendations Approved

Repatriation request for headdress currently part of the Royal Albert Memorial Museum’s collections.

Decision Maker: Executive

Made at meeting: 07/11/2023 - Executive

Decision published: 08/11/2023

Effective from: 07/11/2023






(1)  the due diligence process carried out by the Council’s Museum Officers in establishing whether there were any rival claims to the headdress, be noted;

(2)  the Museums’ Manager and the Director of Culture, Leisure and Tourism being satisfied that the headdress was originally the property of the Siksika Nation prior to its acquisition and its ultimate transfer of the ownership to Exeter City Council and its predecessors be also noted; and

(3)  the legal ownership of the headdress be surrendered by Exeter City Council and transferred to the Blackfoot Tribal Council of the Siksika Nation.


Reason for Decision: As set out in the report.




Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Camilla Hampshire