Executive post

Portfolio Holder for Housing, Homelessness Prevention and Customer Services


·         Customer Services Centre and telephony;

·         Housing Needs Analysis;

·         Social Housing Rent and service charge setting;

·         Social Housing Landlord Services;

·         Leaseholder Services;

·         Right to Buy;

·         Tenant consultation and engagement;

·         Social Housing allocations;

·         Council Housing Advisory Board;

·         Benefits, Council Tax, Council Housing Rent Payments, Business Rates payments;

·         Homelessness & Vulnerably-Housed;

·         Housing Advice and Homelessness Prevention;

·         Downsizing Support;

·         Supported Housing Services;

·         Private Sector Housing & Licensing for HMOs;

·         Better Care Fund and Disabled Facilities Grant;

·         Armed Forces Champion.


Post is held by