Meeting attendance

Tuesday 7th April 2020 5.30 pm, Executive

Venue:   Legislation has been passed that allows Council's to conduct Committee meetings remotely.

Contact:    Mark Devin, Democratic Services Officer
Telephone 01392 265477 or email

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance Attendance comment
Councillor Philip Bialyk Leader of the Council Chair Present
Councillor Rachel Sutton Portfolio Holder for Climate & Culture Deputy Chair Present
Councillor Bob Foale Portfolio Holder for City Planning & Development Committee Member Present
Councillor Amal Ghusain Portfolio Holder for Equalities, Diversity & Communities Committee Member Present
Councillor David Harvey Portfolio Holder for Environment & City Management Committee Member Present
Councillor Emma Morse Portfolio Holder for Supporting People Committee Member Present
Councillor Ollie Pearson Portfolio Holder for Leisure & Physical Activity Committee Member Present
Councillor Ruth Williams Committee Member Present
Councillor Laura Wright Portfolio Holder for Council Housing Development & Services Committee Member Present
Councillor Duncan Wood Portfolio Holder for Support Services and Procurement Committee Member Present
Karime Hassan Officer In attendance
Bindu Arjoon Officer In attendance
David Bartram Officer In attendance
Jo Yelland Officer Expected
Jon-Paul Hedge Officer In attendance
Baan Al-Khafaji Officer In attendance
David Hodgson Officer In attendance
Camilla Hampshire Officer In attendance
John Street Officer In attendance
Mark Devin Officer In attendance
Howard Bassett Secretary In attendance
Councillor Andrew Leadbetter Committee Member Present
The Right Worshipful the Lord Mayor Councillor Kevin Mitchell Committee Member Present
Councillor Diana Moore Committee Member Present