Outside body

Exeter Canal & Quay Trust Ltd.


The Trust’s aims and objectives are:-


1          The preservation of land, buildings and other features of beauty of historical or architectural interest in or around the Exeter Canal and Quay Basin (“the Area”);


2          The promotion and encouragement of high standards of architecture, building and town planning and the promotion of civic pride in the Area;


3          The promotion and support of musical, artistic, educational and other cultural activities within the Area;


4          The promotion and support of community participation in any form of healthy recreation, including waterborne sports, in the Area; and


5          The education of the public about the historic trade passing through Exeter Canal and Quay and the preservation and conservation of buildings of historic interest connected with that trade, whether or not within the Area.

Contact information

Howard Bassett


Email: howard@exetercustomhouse.co.uk

Our representatives