Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Economy - Wednesday 7th November 2007 5.30 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Member Services Officer  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item



Councillors are reminded of the need to declare personal and prejudicial interests, including the nature and extent of such interests, in relation to business on the agenda, before any discussion takes place on the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.


The minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2007 were taken as read and signed by the Chair as correct.



Declarations of Interest


            The following personal interests were declared:-




Councillor Gales


Councillor Choules

Councillor Wadham

46(wife an employee of Exeter University (Northcott Theatre)

46 (an employee of Exeter University)

46 (Member of the Arts Council)




John Rigby, Director

43 (Member of the Board of Sustrans)






Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal half yearly report on the Scrutiny Committee work programme.


Councillor P J Shepherd (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor G N Sheldon (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) presented a verbal report on the priorities for the Committee’s work programme for the remainder of the year.


Councillor Shepherd highlighted the key areas for the Planning and Sustainable Development Portfolio:-


·                    Climate Change – After a period of consultationthe City Council will review the responses to the draft Climate Change Strategy for Exeter.  This strategy sets out key proposals for how the Council and others can take the lead in reducing carbon emissions.  The Final Strategy will be presented to Executive in January.

·                    Policy – Further work on the core strategy of the Local Development Framework is being undertaken. Supplementary Planning Documents on Affordable Housing and Student Accommodation have been prepared, but Members have yet to see the draft core strategy.

·                    Future Projects – Princesshay has successfully opened; options for a suitable conversion scheme for Debenhams to retail, leisure and residential are being discussed; and the Council’s major projects team are preparing background studies for the future redevelopment of the Bus Station site.

·                    City Centre Enhancements – the improvement works in Lower High Street, Cathedral Yard and Cathedral Close have been completed.

·                    The New Growth Point - we continue to work with the New Growth Point Board to progress the joint project for the East of Exeter area.

·                    Transportation

            Buses - we continue to support a further bid by the County Council for TIF funding tying in with the Park and Ride Strategy. Lottery funding has been attracted to implement a Travel Smart Scheme which will provide door to door advice on public transport services targeting up to 30,000 households in the city.   There has also been considerable work carried out by the Directorate Projects Officer relating to the future funding options for the Concessionary Fares Scheme.

         Rail – we continue lobbying First Great Western on a number of issues relating to their Franchise; an outline scheme for improvements to the forecourt of Central Station has been submitted to Network Rail.

·                    Walking and Cycling – there are a number of welcome initiatives with other partners including the extension of the Exeter cycle network to 18 km; 29 out of the 37 Exeter Schools have Travel Plans and over 890 children have received cycle training. Progress has also been made on plans for the walking loop in Exwick, a route in Topsham along Sir Alec Walk and proposals for a path between Summerway and Pinhoe Road are also currently being worked up.

·                    Guildhall Car Park – the refurbishment was completed on time and the new Pay on Foot system is fully operational.

·                    District Centres –local enhancement works in Heavitree, Fore Street will commence in the middle of next year. Design work is being prepared for St Thomas but will not begin on site until the Heavitree project is completed.

·                    Natural Environment – A project officer has been appointed to progress the Wild City project.


            The following  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.



Members to consider the appointment of a Sub-Group to discuss issues pertinent to the Committee:-


Membership will comprise the Chair, Deputy Chair and at least two other Members.


As set out in the operational guidelines for Scrutiny Committees the Sub Group will:-


  • Review progress of their Committee in the current year;
  • Consider initial proposals for the following year’s work programme ; and
  • Consider general issues relating to the overall workload and operation of the Committee.


Members considered the appointment of a Sub-Group as set out in the operational guidelines for Scrutiny Committees to discuss issues pertinent to the Committee including:-


·                    To review progress of their Committee in the current year;

·                    Consider initial proposals for the following year’s work programme; and

·                    Consider general issues relating to the overall workload and operation of the Committee.


The Chair responded to a Member’s concern about the purpose of the Sub-Group, he felt this was an effective way of setting the programme.   


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported the appointment of the sub-group which would comprise the Chair and Deputy Chair and Councillors Wadham and Winterbottom.  They agreed to identify a date and meet after the Scrutiny training session for Members due to be held on 22 November.





To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism.


(report circulated)


Councillor Choules declared a personal interest  as an employee of Exeter University; Councillor Gale declared an interest as a family member is an employee of Exeter University; and Cllr Wadham declared an interest as a member of the Arts Council.


The Head of Economy and Tourism presented a summary of the arts activities undertaken and detailed the objectives of the current Arts and Media Strategy which provide the focus for the Arts, Festivals and Events Team.


He responded to a number of Member comments -


·              That there had been an increasing level of support from the City Council for the Barnfield Theatre which has helped to develop its business activity through providing advice for the development of its Business Plan, with the aim of generating more income.  The Head of Estates referred to the City Council’s ongoing support and generous interpretation of responsibility for internal repairs particularly those backstage.

·              The Director stated that many of the pieces of public art from the old Princesshay have been resited within the scheme, but that the provision of interpretation had yet to be resolved.  Some items were not appropriate for returning to the new Princesshay. He would ensure that a list of all the items of public art from the old Princesshay was made available.

·              The Head of Economy and Tourism referred to the community based activities agreed with the Northcott Theatre for delivery during its ‘dark’ period during the refurbishment project.  It was intended that this would continue. The new radio station will be based at Phoenix and should start broadcasting from February, offering a distinctive live high quality of live music including local bands and musicians, as well as training and career opportunities.

·              The Head of Economy and Tourism agreed that as part of the review of the Art Strategy, they would engage with colleagues at East Devon and Teignbridge District Councils.


A Member also suggested that consideration of a future Arts Strategy should include a lower priority for public art to avoid any criticism from voters.  The Director responded stating that public art was often controversial, but the reality was that it can often make a real impact in changing the perception of places.


The Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and that a new Arts and Media Strategy would be prepared to provide a focus and framework for future City Council activity to promote and support the Arts.


(Report circulated)









To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development.


(report circulated)


Additional documents:


The Director Economy and Development presented the report advising Members on the current position on key performance indicators. He corrected a half year performance figure for major planning applications determined within 13 weeks which should have read 60%, thus hitting the target.  He also provided an update on concessionary fares with the take-up increasing from 80% to 85%.


Members passed on their appreciation of the knowledge and professionalism of the Red Coats Guides on a recent Red Coats Guide tour for Members and the commitment of both the Quay House and the Exeter Visitor Information and Tickets Centre staff.  A Member asked if anything could be done to make the entrance to the Underground Passages more visible.  The Director advised that they were looking at a range of options including improved signage and laser cut paving.


The Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the contents of the report.


(Report circulated)






To consider the joint report of the Director Economy and Development and Directorate Projects Officer.


(report circulated)

Additional documents:


The Director Economy and Development presented the report advising Members of the latest position with regard to the 2007/08 Capital Programme for Economy. The report highlighted a number of schemes. The Director confirmed that he would respond to a Member who requested information on the latest position with regard to work at Okehampton Street car park and alleged blocking by a farmer of the Exwick Green Circle Walking route. He also advised that the flowering pear tree in the High Street which had been vandalised was likely to be replaced by the Parks and Open Spaces team shortly. 


Members welcomed the continued investment in District Centres such as the Beacon Lane shops and looked forward to other schemes being developed.


The Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the content of this half-yearly report on the capital programme (2007/08) for Economy and Development.



(Report circulated)




To consider the report of the Head of Treasury Services.


(report circulated)

Additional documents:


The Director presented the report advising Members of any forecast variations to the budget, based on the first six months of the financial year 2007/08.  A Member enquired about the rent collected from the Southgate Hotel.  The Head of Estates Services responded that the rent income from the Southgate Hotel related to occupation levels, as the City Council owns the freehold of the site.


The Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the contents of this report.


(Report circulated)





To consider the report of the Head of Estates Services.


(report circulated)


The Head of Estates presented the report informing Members of the position regarding the Council’s performance on Property Performance Indicators (PPIs) and to establish further targets for those indicators.  The report also proposed new targets for 2007/08.


Members sought clarification on a number of topics including operational and non operational assets, the overall average internal rate of return for the Council’s retail portfolio and a specific example of a review of rents in a parade of shops in St Thomas. 

The Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report and adopted the targets for 2007/8.

(Report circulated)





To consider the report of the Head of Estates Services.


(report circulated)


The Head of Estates presented the report informing Members of the performace of the City Council’s commercial portfolio including void properties for the period 1 February 2007 to 30 September 2007 and debts for the four quarters ending on the September 2007 quarter day.  Generally, commercial property in the city centre was in demand, which is reflected by the low level of debts and voids.


Members noted the report and congratulated the Estates Team on their impressive achievement.


(Report circulated)