Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Committee - Economy - Thursday 13th November 2008 5.30 pm

Venue: Rennes Room, Civic Centre, Paris Street, Exeter. View directions

Contact: Sharon Sissons, Member Services Officer  Telephone 01392 265115 or email

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

Councillors are reminded of the need to declare personal and prejudicial interests, including the nature and extent of such interests, in relation to business on the agenda, before any discussion takes place on the item.  Councillors requiring clarification should seek the advice of the Monitoring Officer prior to the day of the meeting.


The following personal interests were declared:-




Councillor Martin

Councillor Gale


Councillor P J Brock

Councillor Martin

Councillor Sheldon

Councillor Prowse

Councillor Martin

37 (resident of Heavitree)

38(wife is an employee at the Northcott Theatre)

39 (Member of Devon County Council)

39 Employee of Devon County Council)

39 (resident in Heavitree)

39 (resident on Topsham Road)

41 (representative of the Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre)




Half Yearly Reports of Portfolio Holders pdf icon PDF 65 KB

Councillor Wadham (Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport) and Councillor Mrs S Brock (Portfolio Holder for Economy and Tourism) will present a verbal half yearly report on the Scrutiny Committee work programme.




Councillor Wadham and Councillor Mrs S R Brock presented progress reports on the priorities within the respective Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio and Economy and Tourism Portfolios.


Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as a resident of Heavitree in respect of the discussion on the Environmental Enhancements for Heavitree.


Sustainable Development and Transport Portfolio


·         Long Term Spatial Strategy - The Council has now responded to the Secretary of State’s proposed modifications to the Regional Spatial Strategy expressing concerns about the capacity of the city to accommodate the scale of growth envisaged.

·         Affordable Housing – The introduction of a 35% affordable housing standard awaits completion of work on viability. Any conclusion will be reflected in the Core Strategy due to go out for consultation next year.

·         Climate Change - The Planning team continue to raise the need to meet higher standards of construction and insulation with developers. The level of construction activity is relatively low at present. Arrangements to bring together Planning and Building Control are set out in the staffing report on this agenda.

·                     Environmental Enhancements –Work on the Fore Street, Heavitree enhancement programme continues and design work for the enhancement of Cowick Street has begun.  Planning Member Working Group agreed that Martin’s Lane would be a priority for this year with proposals for Gandy Street and Fore Street to follow.

·         Debenhams and the Bus Station Site - Progress on the former Debenhams building has slowed reflecting current market conditions.  A Height and Massing Study has been completed for the Bus Station site.

·                     Signing – A new pedestrian signing system will be implemented from December and completed by February. It was noted that the quality of the signage was very high.

·         Demand Management - The commitment remains for closer working with the County Council on the Major Schemes Bid to improve highway infrastructure and public transport in Exeter, including a consultation exercise for a proposed Park and Ride on a site on the west side of the city.

·         Civil Parking Enforcement - This is now in place and Members should see the benefits from the increased level of enforcement.


It was noted that a copy of this report would be appended to the Minutes.


The Director gave the following responses to Members’ questions.


·         Despite the current economic climate, commercial negotiations continue for the former Debenhams site, and for retail provision to the lower floors, but residential use on the upper floors would be difficult to achieve in the current market. Members will be invited to comment as soon as a scheme is forthcoming.


·         Recent press reports have suggested that the new development at Cranbrook will be delayed, however a package of funding for a coordinated transport infrastructure by 2009 is in place. Cranbrook Station should be delivered with funding from the RDA Regional Infrastructure Fund and it is still the intention of Network Rail to build the new passing loop at Axminster by 2009. There is regular dialogue with the rail companies, but the Director advised that he  ...  view the full minutes text for item 37.



Festivals Review 2008 pdf icon PDF 165 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Economy and Tourism – report circulated


Additional documents:




Councillor Gale declared a personal interest as his wife is an employee at the Northcott Theatre.


The report of the Head of Economy and Tourism provided a review on the performance of the portfolio of the four main festivals - the Autumn Festival 2007, Animated Exeter, Vibraphonic and the Summer Festival 2008.He also reported on the progress of the forthcoming consultation for the draft Arts and Media Strategy for Exeter 2008 - 2011, the results of which will be reported back to Members in February.


A Member welcomed the opportunity to look at each Festival in detail, particularly as he was involved in the Autumn Festival’s opening event. He was anxious that the unique identity of Animated Exeter was not lost or subsumed into another festival. Vibraphonic had also created opportunities for new activities, including working with schools and developing more links within the community. A Member supported the individual profile of each of Exeter’s Festivals and particularly the distinctive characteristics of Animated Exeter and added that if Exeter was going to thrive as a cultural centre, it did have to offer something that was distinctive. He felt there was a very real danger that a combination of factors such as the current economic situation, a shortfall of both funding and lack of sponsorship might mean that significant economies would have to be made in the future.


Scrutiny Committee- Economy noted Members’ comments on the performance of the festivals’ portfolio, and gave their support for the future programme of improvement and broad content of events for 2009.



(Report circulated)



Devon County Council's Transportation Proposals for the Exeter Principal Urban Area pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated



Councillor P Brock declared a personal interest as a Member of Devon County Council. Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as an employee of Devon County Council. Councillor Sheldon declared a personal interest as he lives in Heavitree.


Councillor Prowse attended under Standing Order 44 to speak on this item. (He also declared a personal interest as he lives on Topsham Road)


The report of the Director Economy and Development advised Members of the County Council’s progress in preparing a major schemes bid for transportation enhancements in the city to help tackle congestion and improve air quality.

This latest package of schemes will take the process to the second stage of funding which had to be submitted by March 2009. A number of improvements included addressing the flow of outbound traffic from the city centre at pinch points such as Exe Bridges, Haven Road Junction and Alphington Cross. There was also a proposal for a new Park and Ride site on the west of the city and additional outbound lanes on the Topsham Road and Bridge Road corridor as well as a shared footway and cycleway. Although Devon County Council is the delivering authority, we will be consulted for elements of a number of these proposals. The work is likely to cost in the region of £35 million and will raise a number of significant issues and in particular related to the proposed park and ride site. There will also be an opportunity to comment on the Bridge Road corridor scheme as some of the land is in City Council ownership. He responded to a Member comment that the design and materials of the pedestrian and cycle structures at the river crossings were crucial and required sensitive handling.


Councillor Prowse spoke to Members as he was concerned about the extent and validity of the consultation process.  He advised that details of the proposed schemes had been reported in the local press and were also set out by the County Council’s Chief Engineer, as an urgent item at a recent Highways and Traffic Orders Committee (HATOC) meeting. He had been unable to speak at the meeting, and was advised to make his comments as part of the consultation process.  The Director clarified that this report had been placed on the Scrutiny Economy agenda to allow Members an opportunity to comment on the principle of the proposals.


He responded to a number of comments

  • There were no further plans for the Heavitree corridor. 
  • The emphasis of the proposals was on outbound capacity; the proposals would also benefit public transport.
  • The reduction in the through running of a number of services operated by South West Trains from Waterloo to Torbay at the end of 2009 was a major source of concern. The Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Development and Transport and the County Council have made representations to the Department of Transport  (DfT) and we are waiting for them to come forward with a solution.
  • Although the Park and Ride  ...  view the full minutes text for item 39.


Risk Management pdf icon PDF 58 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Audit – report circulated


Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Audit was submitted advising Members of the risks identified relating to the areas within the remit of this Committee, and of the actions proposed and taken to mitigate the risks concerned. The Director referred to the three key risk areas for the Directorate:  the cost of concessionary fares; car parks income; and the risk and threat of flooding.  It was noted that when duties and measures relating to the Pitt report are enacted, there will be a new set of obligations on local Councils.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy:


(1)        noted the risks relating to the areas within its remit; and


(2)        supported ongoing monitoring to ensure that the risk register remains current and risk assessments are valid, that proposed mitigating action is taken by the agreed target dates.


(Report circulated)


Capital Programme Monitoring report (Half Year) pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated

Additional documents:


Councillor Martin declared a personal interest as a representative on the Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre.


The Director Economy and Development presented the report advising Members of the latest position with regard to the 2008/09 Capital Programme for Economy. The report highlighted a number of schemes.


A Member welcomed the imaginative plans for the Haven Banks Outdoor Education Centre and enquired if the City Council would be making a contribution. The Head of Estates confirmed that the County scheme as presented, did include certain Exeter City Council facilities identified in the Master Plan for the Canal Basin, the provision of and funding for would need to be the subject of further discussion.  The County was expected to pursue a variety of funding options for the scheme.  The Member also enquired about the possibility of public toilets on the Quay. The Head of Estates advised this has been included in a draft design, but further negotiations would be required to establish if provision here was feasible. A Member requested wide consultation for the plans.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the contents of the report and the Capital Programme for the first half year of 2008/09 for the Economy and Development Directorate.


(Report circulated)


Economy Stewardship to September 2008 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Treasury Services – report circulated  

Additional documents:


The report of the Head of Treasury Services was submitted advising Members of any forecast variations to the budget in financial year 2008/09.


The Director referred to a number of issues which were affecting the budget including the concessionary fares scheme, which had created a major shortfall for the City Council.  The scheme was laudable, but the distribution of funding for the scheme was inequitable.  Representations have been made to the Department of Transport (DfT) along with up to 20 'hub’ authorities who are equally affected.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the contents of the report.


(Report circulated)


Key Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development – report circulated

Additional documents:


The report of the Director Economy and Development was submitted advising Members on the current position on key performance indicators.  He referred to a number of external factors which meant that the required target for determining planning applications had not been met.  A new system was being brought in through a Major Applications Protocol which had been approved recently by Planning Member Working Group.  This would provide a much more structured approach to managing major applications.


Scrutiny Committee - Economy noted the contents of the report.



(Report circulated)


Property Performance Indicators pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Estates Services – report circulated


The Head of Estates presented a report informing Members of the position regarding the Council’s performance on Property Performance Indicators (PPIs) and to establish further targets for those indicators for 2008/09.


A Member enquired about the available capacity of the Council’s property assets.  The Head of Estates advised that disposals across the property portfolio had in previous years already funded a full programme of projects for the Council. Existing assets were held strategically to enable development schemes to be brought forward or were revenue generators, where disposal would adversely affect revenue budgets.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the report on Property Performance Indicators and adopted the targets for 2008/09.


(Report circulated)


Property Voids and Debts pdf icon PDF 89 KB

To consider the report of the Head of Estates Services – report circulated  


The Head of Estates submitted a report which informed Members of the City Council’s commercial portfolio regarding void properties as at 30 September 2008 and debts for the four quarters ending on the September 2008 quarter day.

In terms of debt collection, for the period to 30 September, this remains at less than 1% outstanding of the total originally invoiced.


A Member commented on the progress of the Beacon Heath Surgery, and the Head of Estates confirmed that this was primarily a matter between the PCT and the practice intending to develop the site.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy noted the contents of the report.


(Report circulated)



Local Government ( Access to Information) Act 1985 - Exclusion of the Press and Public



RESOLVED that, under Section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the consideration of the following item on the grounds that it involved the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 1 of Part 1, Schedule 12A of the Act.  




Review of the Management Structure in the Economy and Development Directorate

To consider the report of the Director Economy and Development on a proposed change in the Economy and Development management structure – report circulated to Members 


The report of the Director Economy and Development was submitted and outlined a number of proposed changes in the management structure of Economy & Development designed to provide a better integration of key services, to address (in part) reducing income and to make efficiency savings where feasible. This report also fulfils the commitment to Members, made in the Spring of this year, to bring forward a detailed structure for the Civil Parking Enforcement function for approval.


Scrutiny Committee – Economy supported that Executive agree the following proposals that:-


(1)        the revised Economy & Development management structure be agreed;

(2)        the revised Establishment for the Directorate be approved for implementation on 1 December 2008;

(3)        the Directorate’s budgets be amended accordingly, and

(4)        a further report on a number of outstanding issues be submitted to the January Scrutiny Committee – Economy meeting for Member consideration.


(Report circulated to Members)